Chapter 16 No woman deserves this!

Start from the beginning

"Grace, it's me. Steve." I speak, moving my hands towards her in slow motion. I finally cup her face and reassure her, "You're alright."

Thank God! She let me touch her now.

She sobs as she rests her head on my chest. "Steve, just take me from here."

I hold her close, my heart aching for the suffering she's endured. As she continues to cry and quiver with fear, I stroke her hair to give her some comfort.

"Grace, you're safe now," I whisper. "I'll take you from here. You don't have to worry anymore."

With the police on their way, I keep her close, shielding her from the world's harshness, at least for now.

As the sirens approach, I help Grace to her feet, keeping a protective arm around her.

I recount the horrifying events to cops, ensuring that the rascals face the consequences of their actions.

Then, lifting her in my arms, with her head resting against my chest, I guide her back to my car.

I sit in the car's backseat, holding her close to me, comforting her, which is the only thing she needs at this moment.

She clings to me for reassurance, her tears slowly subsiding. Her breathing slowly returns to normal, and her trembling begins to ease.

She's been vulnerable in a way I've never seen before, and it's shaken something inside me.

I continue to stroke her hair, offering her silent support.

As her head rests on my chest, she slowly drifts into a restless sleep. The trauma she's endured tonight has left its mark, and I feel a deep ache in my heart.

When we finally reach the hotel, I carry her in my arms and take her to our room, her fragile state visible even in her sleep.

Although she ruined my life, I never wished to see her in this state.

I lay her down on the bed and gently tuck her in with a warm comforter.

As I gaze down at her, the vulnerability she displayed tonight is etched in my mind. No matter how much I may dislike her, I can't stand the thought of her going through such horrors.

In her sleep, she murmurs in fear, "Please, stay away from me. No please..." A whimper escapes her lips.

My chest becomes heavy with pain, and I immediately move closer to her and take her hand in mine.

"Shh, Grace, you're safe." I whisper, caressing her hair, trying to calm her down.

I let out a sigh of relief as she stops murmuring. With a tender touch, I brush away a stray lock of hair from her forehead before pressing my lips there.

As I move away from her, her grip on my hand becomes tighter, as if she wants me to stay with her.

I sit on the floor beside her bed, still her hand is in mine. Our relationship is complicated, but at this moment, all that matters is being there for her and making sure she feels safe.

I watch over her throughout the night, never leaving her side, knowing that she needs someone to protect her and provide the comfort she so desperately craves.

Grace's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning, my eyes fluttering open. The first thing I notice is Steve, asleep on the floor. The man I despise was the one who protected me.

The fear, the helplessness, and the overwhelming vulnerability that had enveloped me in the club are still fresh in my mind. I shiver at the recollection of those threatening men and the feeling of being trapped.

But I can't let myself be vulnerable again, no matter what happened. I've come so far, and I've grown stronger. Nothing can break me now. That's what I tell myself as I gather my resolve.

Careful not to wake Steve, I quietly slip out of bed. After leaving him sleeping on the floor, I head to the bathroom.

As I step under the warm shower, the water washes away the residue of last night's nightmare. The hot water soothes my tense muscles, and I can feel my strength coming back.

Last night may have been a reminder of my past weaknesses, but it won't define my future.

I wonder about Steve and how he took care of me last night. Despite our complicated relationship, he was there when I needed someone the most, protecting me from a horrifying situation.

One thing I'm certain about is that after last night, I'll never be able to hate Steve like before because I have developed a soft corner for him.

Steve's P.O.V.

I awaken to the subtle creaking of the door and find Grace emerging from the bathroom. The exhaustion and disturbance in her eyes are visible.

Concern laces my voice as I inquire, "Are you alright?"

She responds with a tinge of weariness, "I'm fine. I just want to go back to New York."

I nod, understanding her. "Okay! We'll leave after having breakfast."

She approaches me. "Thank you for the last night."

A soft smile forms on my lips. "Don't thank me, Grace. Taking care of my wife is my duty."

Her eyes, filled with appreciation, linger on mine. "Despite that, it means a lot to me."

She ambles towards the window, and as I make my way to the bathroom, she lights a cigarette, standing by the window, exhaling a plume of smoke.


As we arrive home, Dad greets us with warm hugs.

After changing herself into something comfortable, she is about to sleep on the sofa, but she stops as I call her.

"Grace, you sleep on the bed. I'll take the sofa today."

"Why? It's my day to sleep on the sofa, so I'll sleep there only." She answers me in a curt tone before lying on the sofa.

Oh, God! This woman will never stop showing me the attitude.

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