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Y/n's POV
The second I had consumed the white powder my body returned to its normal state.

The shaking slowly slowed until it stopped completely and my temperature went back down.

I knew what it was, I had been down this road before.

I was an addict.

I wanted so badly to stop but I couldn't bring myself too. I had gone years without touching drugs , I never wanted Liam to have to deal with that but now Ryan was back I couldn't help it.

Ryan had access to anything and everything , whatever he or I wanted he could get.

Violence was never something he was afraid of.

In some ways I felt bad for him. I grew up alone and scared but he was surrounded by violence , poverty and drugs.

Everyone has a choice that's true but not everyone is capable of making the right ones.

I thought I was but look at me now.

I knew I was going down a rabbit hole and that hole was only going to get bigger and bigger.

Regina was starting to catch on , she started to ask if I was okay and where I had been but every time I lied and starting to look at her was becoming hard.

I didn't wanna hurt her again but I'm starting to think that's all I'm good at.

Recently when I look in my son's eyes all I see is this look of confusion and worry.

I'm starting to think he would be better off without me.

He deserves a mom who can give him a life , a good life. I know that better then anyone that when I start I can't stop.

One way or another this was going to end badly.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I half expected it to be Regina or Emma asking me when I was going to be home but it was Ryan.

That man can't even last an hour without pestering me.

"What now?" I practically yell down the phone.

"Hello to you too" he laughs.

"We need to talk it's urgent come back to the bar and if you don't show I'll start knocking on doors and seeing who's at home." He states before hanging up.

I can't risk him turning up a Regina's I just can't.
Ryan's POV
Ten minutes after my phone call with y/n and she was already here.

All I got to do is threaten to knock on a few doors and she comes crawling back.

"Look at you , you're way too sober for my liking" I smirk looking at her.

Her shaking had stopped and she looked a better colour than earlier.

Classic withdrawals.

"Apple cider for the lady please" I smile at the bartender.

"I don't want a drink Ryan it's too early" she states shooting me her classic glare.

"Why it's only apples think of it as one of your five a day" I shrug.

I looked behind her and saw the 2 men who were playing pool had finished.

"Fancy a game? The tables free." I ask knowing she would say no anyway.

"No i don't fancy a game" she yelled.

"Why are you so moody today" I laugh.

"I'm not moody I just wanna know what was so urgent or did you just call me for no reason? What do you want?" She pleads.

I sigh relishing the moment.

Seeing her so defeated brings back memories of how she used to be.

"I think we need to talk about what you want first don't we" I smirk holding a packet in between my fingers.

Immediately she lunges forward and grabs it like it was food and she was starving.

"God you really are desperate aren't you" I laugh taunting her.

"What do you want Ryan , why am I here?" She asks her voice breaking a little bit.

"Liam , I wanna see him." I state staring at her blankly.

"What?" She replied with a blank expression her face going back to the pale shade it wore earlier.

"Not so weird is it? He's my son." I state.

"Well you weren't interested before" she states with a confused look.

I simply give her shrug in response not understanding her point.

"Ryan it's a bad idea." She says shaking her head.

"He's my flesh and blood. How can him seeing his dad be anything but a good idea" I question.

Y/n sighs and looks away.

"I bet he's handsome , he's bound to be with our good looks" I smirk.

"I can't deal with this now i need to go and pick him up" she states walking away.

"Well I can take you , he'd be so happy seeing you get out my car" I state imagining his face.

"No im walking" she states getting up and walking to the door.

I sigh in frustration.

"I wanna see him y/n" I state.

Y/n turns around and looks at me but she was gone in less then a second.
"Does it go fast?" The boy questions me.

"Yeah really fast , maybe one day I can take you out in it" I state.

"Really?" He smiles.

"Really really" I smile.

It's weird seeing my son for the first time.

He definitely looks more like y/n than me but he's still my son.

My flesh and blood.

"LIAM!" y/n screams.

I looked over and saw her running over to us.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Talking to your friend" he answers.

"He's got a cool car" he smiles.

"Yes I do" I smirk going to give him a fist bump but y/n moves him out the way.

"Can you give me a second Liam , I need you to go back in and get my laptop" she says in a fake calm voice.

"Okay" he smiles and walks back up to the White House.

"Are you insane" she hisses coming to my window.

"Anyone could have seen you."

"I know that just adds to the buzz , jump in I'll give you both a lift home" I laugh.

Y/n grabs my jacket on both side and holds a firm grip.

"Don't you ever talk to Liam again" she growls.

"I'm just any stranger , we are related." I spat.

Y/n released her grip when we heard the door slam she looked over and saw a woman walking down with Liam.

"Ryan you need to leave now" she pleads.
Y/n's POV
I watch in horror as he speeds off down the road and round the corner.

"Who was that?" Emma quizzes giving me a confused

Lost love , a regina mills x y/n fanfic <3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang