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Skylar Perez

I haven't seen Sammy in awhile and its winter break so I need to really see her. I should just go over to their house.

Since I'm already dressed I just put on a jacket and then leave the house. I get in my car and drive to their house.

I park in the driveway beside Talons car and walk to the front door. I ring the doorbell and a few seconds later the door opens and reveals Sylvia, Talons littlest sister.

"Hello there, Sylvia!" I say.

"Hi, Sky. Talon is in his room." She says.

She opens the door wider and let's me in. I enter the house and leave my shoes at the front because they are wet due to the snow.

I walk up a staircase and then walk down a hall. I stop in front of the last door and knock. I hear a faint 'come in' and enter. I walk in and close the door right behind me.

Talon is on his bed with his phone in front of his face so I run full speed towards the bed and jump on the spot beside him. He looks towards me and smiles. I smile back.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." I say.

He leans down and places a kiss on my lips. His lips start to move against mine and I respond. I didn't even realize that I climbed on top of his lap, straddling him. I run my hands through his hair as his hands hold my waist.

"Guys? Are you-" Sammy says. We pull away and freeze. "Uhh- I'm so sorry." The door shuts.

Talon and I look at each other and burst out laughing. That so did not happen. I climb off Talon and stand on the ground.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I walk to the door.

"To talk to Sammy and go take a cold shower." I say and leave.

I go to her room and open it up. I see her sitting on her bed, cross legged and watching tv. She turns to look at me and blushes before looking away. I sit beside her and nudge her shoulder with mine.

"Hey, stranger." I joke.

"Hello, Sky!" She says. "I am so sorry for just walking in on you guys, but-"

I laugh. "it's okay, Sammy."

"-I felt like I haven't seen you in forever and-"

"I said, it's okay."

"-I just wanted to greet you-"

"ITS OKAY! SHUT UP." I yell.

She stares at me with wide eyes and nods. We watch tv together and talk about random things.

After about an hour I feel a soaring pain. Not just in one place, but everywhere. The pain is just spreading through my whole body. I feel as if I'm on fire and I can feel the sweat dripping from my forehead. Sammy touches my shoulder and I wince at the pain.

"Oh, my. Skylar, are you okay?" Sammy says with panic.

I grind my teeth together and shake my head. I cry out in pain and roll up in a ball. I feel as if I'm being stabbed multiple times all over my body.

"I'll call Talon. Hang on, Sky." Sammy says and blurs out of the room.

Tears run down my face as the immense pain continues. I'm in heat!

Heat is the moon goddesses way of making mates complete the mating process. The women go in heat and it lasts a few days, but if you have your mate around then the pain will sort of go away, but not fully.

I see blurs pass around me and Talon takes hold of my hand as Sammy places a cold cloth on my forehead.

"Shh. It's okay, Sky. I'm here." Talon says.

The pain lowers a bit and I'm thankful.

"What's going on? What's wrong with her?" Talons mom questions with worry.

"I-I-I'm in heat." I whisper out.

Her mouth makes and 'O' and then she nods before leaving. Talon looks down at me worriedly and rubs his hand up and down my arm.

"You'll be fine." He says.

"Lay with me, please?" I say.

He nods and lays behind me and his arm wraps around me. After a few minutes I smell my parents and brothers scent before they enter the room.

"Skylar! Are you fine?" My mom says and rushes to my side.

"Yeah." I say quietly.

I see Mason sniff around before he says, "she's in heat, mom."

My dad growls and looks pointedly at Talon. "Don't touch my daughter in any inappropriate way, you hear me?"

"Yes, sir." Talon says.

"When do you think the heat will be gone?" Jason asks.

"Maybe about three days or so." My mom says.

Three days? Three fricken days? I absolutely do not want to be in this pain for three days.

"She'll need Talon by her side to lessen the pain." Mason says.

"We can't bring her home or unmated males will start knocking on the door to try and have their way with Sky." Jason says.

Where I live it's like a street, but the houses around belong to people from our pack. The street where we live is right in the woods. There's a street of course, but trees surround our backyards and all.

"We can't have that." My mom says.

A blur passes right behind my mom and Talons mom appears. "It's fine if she stays here. We won't mind."

"Thank you, Rosalie. We appreciate it." My mom says.

They talk some more, but I feel sleepy so I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up crying and thrashing around. The pain is back. I open my eyes and see that it's dark, but I don't see Talon.

I whimper and wrap my arms around myself. I see a figure and squint my eyes, but can't see anything due to the tears in my eyes.

I feel his arms wrap around me and the pain lessens.

"Sky, it's okay, I'm here. I just went to get you water." Talon says.

I feel weird. I wrap my arms around him and put my head in the crook of his neck. I peck the skin of his neck and up his neck to his cheek and then to his lips.

Since he is seated on the bed I push him down and straddle him while we clearly make out. I run my hands down his shirt and into his shirt touching his abs.

Talon starts to kiss down my neck until he sucks and bites on my sweet spot making a moan leave my lips.

"Sky, we shouldn't do this if you're not ready." He says.

He places me on the bed and lays beside me, holding me close to him.

"I'm sorry, I just lost control." I say sheepishly.

"It's okay. Have some rest." He says.

I snuggle up to his side and close my eyes.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say and let the darkness consume me.


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Gif is of Sammy. 😍😍🙎

Well, Sky is in heat. 🔥 I've honestly got nothing else to say...😂

Not edited.

Hope you enjoyed! Until next time...

~ xoxo Jay.🔥

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