29_Omokage ( SID )

373 27 2

From the depths of the night, quietly slipping away, a delicate love was woven
Long hair sliding over the shoulders, swaying under the starry sky
The profile with lingering reminders
Tonight too, yearning and falling

_Flash Back_

King was born with a weak body. For King's parents, his birth alone was a miracle. Tian should not be pregnant because of his heart disease. But fate can't be fought, Tian is pregnant. Of course, even though Tian's pregnancy is at high risk, for Tian and Phupa the presence of King is a blessing so they both try by all means to maintain Tian's pregnancy and of course maintain Tian's condition. But in the end, Tian was only able to maintain his pregnancy until 28 weeks. King was born prematurely and of course King had to go to the NICU to stabilize his condition. King was even diagnosed with a congenital heart defect which meant he had to stay in the NICU longer. Actually, King's disease could be cured with surgery, but because King was born prematurely, he couldn't have heart surgery and had to wait until King's body was ready for surgery.

And because king's body was weak, king could only undergo surgery when he was 8 years old. But like most children, King was very afraid of surgery, especially since he spent almost his entire life in hospital. Tian tried to persuade his only son to undergo surgery.

"I don't want to... I don't want to have surgery... I don't want to," shouted King while shaking off Tian's hand who was trying to calm him down.

"King.... if you don't want to have an operation then you will always visit the hospital, you told me you don't like hospitals but if you still like this you'll stay at hospital forever," said Tian.

"But I'm afraid,Pha... I'm afraid of surgery," said King.

"I know... you must be very afraid of surgery... but this is the only way for you to live a normal life without relying on drugs. Are you going to live on your medicine forever?" said Tian.

"But..." said King, King was really afraid of the heart surgery he was going to do.

"King... please... Pha wants you to live a normal life and only with this operation you can live a normal life" said Tian, ​ ​ still trying to persuade his son.


"King..." Tian tried to chase King who ran out but Phupha grabbed Tian's arm.

"Phupha?" Tian whispered.

"Let King calm himself down first, if you following him it will only make Tian's situation worse," said Phupha.

"But..." Tian said worriedly.

"You don't need to worry, he won't go too far from here. After all, he's a patient at this hospital. I'm sure he won't leave the hospital area," said Phupha.

"But still ..." Tian was still worried.

"You first go to Doctor Joe to discuss King's surgery, I will look for King and talk to King," said Phupha. Tian just nodded.

King ran in no particular direction, when his chest started to feel tight, King stopped running. He held his chest, his chest felt very painful. King looked around and saw that there was a place to sit under a shady tree near the hospital pool. King decided to take a break to soothe his aching chest.

After sitting down... King was still holding his chest, it still hurt but it wasn't as painful as before. Because of his congenital heart disease, King cannot do heavy physical activities because it will affect the functioning of his heart. King tried to calm his heartbeat, hoping that the pain would disappear, but while he was resting, someone suddenly handed him a bottle of water. King looked at the person who gave him a bottle of water.

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