Chapter 8 ~ comfort

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I couldn't sleep. not when I am away from my family, sometimes I wish I was born in another universe. 

a universe with equal rights. I leave my room to the kitchen to get a glass of water.  

"You know...I didn't want to say anything dear but I can feel it in you" Loki was suddenly in the kitchen making me scared a little bit. "I..didn't know you were here," I said. Loki smirked slightly. "When are you going to tell your soulmates you have powers" He said. 

"W-what are you talking about?" I ask trying to do as if I don't know what he is talking about. "Don't act so innocent my dear, I am a god I can see and feel if someone has powers, and I think even strange saw it" he came closer to me. 

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said walking backward. "Oh you are afraid, afraid of us...afraid of me," He said corning me. I had water in my eyes as I feared what would come. 

He put his hand softly on my cheek. "Why are you so afraid my dear....we will never hurt you, we will hurt the people who hurt you and make them suffer but are our queen," He said.

"I-I don't want you to suffer someone who did something wrong...give them a second chance," I said trying to hold the water in my eyes. 

"Sometimes people need to learn their place dear.."  

"my little sister saw someone get killed by a frost giant, she doesn't want to leave the house anymore just because of you and your stupid rules!" I said with tears on my cheeks.  "Hey...hey..shhh," He said hugging me as my head came to his chest. "Let it all go" He whispered as I cried. "I don't wanna be here...I wanna be with my family"  

"you know what?  what about you go 3 days with your family and 4 days here" Loki suggested.  


"You know how many times I go to my mother," He said smiling. "you have two families now" 

I look at him. he is the first one who is normal and acts like I am an equal.

"Even if our actions may cause you to feel sad or overprotective, it is important to remember that there are individuals who wish to harm you," Loki explained. 

"What do you mean?" 

"There are people out there who pose a threat to your safety. We are here to protect you and keep you safe." 

"Alright," I replied, placing my trust in Loki. 

"Just stay with us a little longer and allow us to help you," he reassured me. he walked behind me put his hand on my arms and whispered into my ear "Just...wait a little longer" 

"Just..a little longer," I said. 

"That's right.." Loki whispered as he brought me back to bed. "Go to sleep dear.." He said stroking my hair softly making me fall asleep.


4 hours later I woke up and stood up.  I felt very dizzy. 

As I made my way to the door, Dr. Strange suddenly appeared and closed it shut, blocking my path.

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