Night 1!

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Late into the night, as the last of the guests departed, Chase and Aurelia found themselves back in the garden once more. The stars had begun to fade, and the sky was tinted with the first hints of dawn. They sat down on a bench, their hands intertwined, watching as the birds began to sing in the trees.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Chase asked, his voice soft with nostalgia. "I was so annoyed with you even though I was trying to find you due to my case" Aurelia laughed, pressing her hand to his cheek. "And I was just as bad. I kept forgetting what I wanted to say, I was so flustered."

They sat there, reminiscing about their early dates and the many adventures they'd shared since then, their laughter filling the air like music. As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting its warm light across the garden, they knew that no matter what life threw at them, they would face it together. They were now, and forever, bound by their love.

The thought of their future together filled them with a sense of wonder and anticipation. They dreamed of travelling the world, starting a family, and building a life together. They knew that their love would be the foundation upon which they would build that life, and they vowed to always nurture it, to cherish it and to protect it.

As they sat there, lost in each other's eyes, Chase reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. Inside, nestled on a bed of satin, was a delicate gold chain with a tiny, intricately crafted key pendant hanging from it. "This," he said, his voice trembling slightly, "is the key to my heart. I want you to wear it always, as a symbol of my love for you, and as a promise that I will always be there for you, no matter what."

Tears welled up in Aurelia's eyes as she took the box and opened it, her fingers trembling as she lifted the chain out. "It's beautiful," she whispered, slipping it over her head. "I will cherish it always, and I promise to keep the key to your heart safe and sound." They leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss, their love for each other echoing through every touch, every breath.

Their time in the garden seemed to stretch on forever as if the world outside had ceased to exist. Eventually, however, they heard the clamour of their guests calling them back inside for breakfast, and they reluctantly rose, hand in hand, ready to face the new day and whatever adventures it might bring.

As they walked back into the house, arm in arm, they were greeted with a chorus of cheers and well-wishes. Chase and Aurelia exchanged knowing glances, both of them secretly relishing the knowledge that they now had someone to share the highs and lows of life with. They took their seats at the head of the table, their eyes meeting across the expanse of white cloth and fine china.

The End Is Near. (The epilogue for Chase and Aurelia's Journey)Where stories live. Discover now