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All of the books on our profile are set in the same multiverse. 

We work incredibly hard to make the books interchangeable, meaning that you can start reading them in any order, so long as you start with book 1 in that particular series.

However, this book does involve slight spoilers for High Stakes, which is now also available FREE TO READ on Wattpad. This is because Reaper Cove surrounds the same group/characters at a later time point. The main spoiler is found in the couplings. If you plan to read both books, you may want to read High Stakes first OR be prepared that you'll know who gets together by reading Reaper Cove first & therefore High Stakes will become a very interesting backstory to how they ended up there.

Although we do suggest reading High Stakes first, we don't feel like starting with Reaper Cove or reading both books at once takes away from the reading experience. ◡̈


This book series also involves coarse language, drug use, violence/death, and mentions of sexual assault. 

Reaper CoveWhere stories live. Discover now