Battle of Alfea

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I flew as fast as I possibly could, I had to get to Alfea as fast as I could. When I finally arrived with, I hear Stella, "Ewww, wow, check out their taste in drones. Can you imagine what they'd do, if they redecorated this place?"

And then I hear Stormy, "Having the Phoenix Crystal, so rules!" Icy laughs evilly. "That's not the Phoenix Crystal!" I scoffed as I fully arrive at Alfea. "THIS is the Phoenix Crystal!" I exclaimed as my hair began to float, and the Phoenix appears behind me and a wall of shimmering crystal is created.

I hear thee cheers from my friends, I look over to them, "Sorry it took me so long to get here, you guys." I looked at Icy to see her shocked. "She's got the Phoenix Crystal too? That's not fair we were siphoning it off you!" Stormy just growls.

"Uh oh." I hear Darcy as I start to get more angry. "You think you can invade my school, mess with my friends and get away with it?" I create a crystal sphere, "As if witches! HA!" And then I blast Icy.

"STORMY! DARCY! GET OVER HERE! Give me your share of the Phoenix Crystals! I need it to take care of this uppity pixie!" I look to my sides to see the other Winx joined me.

"Don't worry. You won't need more than your regular powers to take on those four

posers. As for you Alina, I'm gonna show you just what a loser you are!" Icy creates a blizzard but I put up a diamond shield and I go after her.

"We'll see who the loser is, Icy!" Icy and I begin our start the battle and begin by exchanging blows.

I arrive and join my friends in the friends. " Dude, you made it. I was getting worried about you." Riven said to me. "I want to check on Alina, but she didn't need me."

"She's so awesome." I said looking up as she battled Icy. "She's way powerful." I looked over to my little brother and saw Sky slice a monster. "Good job bro!" He gave me a faint smile and kept fighting.

"When this is over, I wanna take her out on a real date. I'll get her flowers and everything." I said as I double sliced the creatures. "I never thought I would hear my playboy best friend say that. But dude with that kind of power, you'd better treat her right. Know what I'm saying? ... Watch out bro!" A monster almost smashes me but Brandon slices off its hand.

"Hey, just thought I'd give you a hand. And that is how it's done, fellas." I just rolled my eyes at him and kept fighting as Timmy came in and shot a monster. "Eat that!" The monster is destroyed. Cordatorta slices another monster.

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As the battle continued, anyone could tell that Alina had the upper hand.

Icy: "You're gonna wish you never survived the destruction of Auralite!"A cage of ice surrounds Alina. The cage grows spikes.

Icy: "Game over." The cage crashes into the ground. Icy laughs.

Alina: "Not yet." Alina appears behind Icy, laughs and blasts Icy into the water.*

Icy: "You're going down!" A hand of water grabs Alina and pulls her in. Icy emerges from the lake and freezes it.

Icy: "I'm gonna turn this lake into the Alina Memorial Ice Rink." She giggles. The lake freezes over.

Icy: "We'll hold our annual Broom Hockey Smash Bash here." She laughs again but Alina emerges from the lake as well.

Icy: "Go ahead. Flap your little wings and cop your little princess 'tude. Grrrr! I'm gonna summon all my Phoenix crystal power for one final strike!" Snow appears around Alina and Icy. Alina is completely encased in ice. Icy laughs.

Icy: "And the winner is... was there ever any doubt? (laughs) Enjoy the rest of your frozen frigid life."

Alina: "NO!" The Great Phoenix destroys Icy's ice tower.

Alina: "You're done!" Alina glows...

I couldn't believe I did that, after I defeated Icy I guess the spell, her and the Trix cast broke everywhere. The sun has set and night has fallen at Alfea. "Young ladies, please gather around the quad. Miss Faragonda has an announcement to make." We all hear Griselda announce.

"This has been a unique year, capped by a day of extraordinary magic. You certainly behaved like true Alfea girls. You did well. In fact, you did so well I fell it's unnecessary to have final exams this year. You're all passing with honors. All right, now that that is settled, let's get ready! It is time to par-tay." The girls and I cheer.

The next day prom was at full swing at Alfea. I sat by the Alfea's fountain and looked up at the sky and smiled. "Hey, there you are. I was looking for you. They were playing that song you like." I turned to see Baxter looking at me.

"I just needed some air." I signed he then sat next to me and said, "Are you okay?" I just shrugged and look to him. "Hm. I don't know. I was just thinking summer is about to start and how everyone is going away for a couple of months and I got really sad. Like, this is gonna sound cheesy but, I'll actually miss you." I looked to him.

"Oh wow you're gonna miss me......(shoulder bumped by Alina) Hey, I'm totally gonna miss you too. But the school year's not over yet. We still have time to dance. Wanna get back to the party?" He stood up and offered me his hand and I grabbed it. "Yeah, uh, okay."

"This is the best party ever." Flora says laughing. "I'd like to propose a toast, to friends." I said holding up my cup and looking at the group before me. "To new friends, and old ones." Sky said and Brandon followed with, "And to Princesses."

Stella scoffed at him and said,"Let's toast to non-royalty people too. We can not forget about them. 'Cause, you know, they might be kinda cute." He looked confused as Stella grabs Brandon's arm and leans on it. And Everyone giggled

And then Tecna looked to me, "And to Alina." I was confused at that and Musa wrapped an arm around me. "A special shout-out to Alina." Flora then came and gave me a hug. "To my shy best friend yesterday, and today my best friend who saved the whole realm of Magix."

Then I looked around as everyone cheered me on. "You guys, we're gonna be sophomores next year." Bloom said as she hung onto Sky.

"And you know what they say: Sophomore year is more thrilling and more exciting than the first year." I cheered as everyone cheered. The party continues, as I look up and see the Undines fly off.

Apophyllite (Winx Club Series 2) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now