The (Missing) Other Half

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The (Missing) Other Half

What brought us together

Was a trait of fate

What tore us apart

Was also a twist of fate

I finally found you in the dark

At last you rescued me out of the chaos

We'd been hollow shells all along

We'd been convinced that we no longer belonged

Until we met

We were the same soul in different bodies

When we were together we were a whole

Nothing else was needed

Never in our wildest imaginations would we have thought the time of comfort had to end

Alas, this is a compensation for the time we spent together

Now, we are apart again

I'm empty again

What makes this heart ache so much, what makes it feel so hollow right now, is how much you meant to me

What makes me feel like my half is gone is when I think how much precious you were to me

When will I ever be able to feel whole again?

Perhaps this hole in my heart can never be filled

And I might be wandering in search of you, my missing half all my life

This anguish is all that is left

The proof that you were once here with me

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