Chapter 3

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Bailey POV - one month later

Alex Morgan: next weekend work for you?

I sigh and stare at the message.

Alex and I have been texting pretty much non-stop. Even a few phone calls since we saw each other at the ESPYs.

"Bails! Let's go!"

I look up to see my film crew and pocket my phone.

"Dropping in 10..9..8..7..6" I zone out and then start down the hill.

I hit the jump and rotate frontside, cork, spinning and flipping.

I realize that I threw myself too hard and slam into the landing.

I slide down, "Fuck."

"Dude, you okay?" Jeff asks me.

I let out a breath and hold my gloved hand up, giving a thumbs up.

I push myself up and groan.

"You want to go again?" He asks.

"Need a break and then we can get back to it." I say and ski down to everyone else.

I watch as Cassie hits it and stomps a cork 1080.

Everyone hollers and she stops in front of me.

"You really sent it on that one." She smiles.

I sigh and nod, "Got too excited."

She shakes her head.

I click out of my bindings and find a bench to sit on.

I pull my phone out again.

Me: Next weekend should be okay. Who are you playing?

I look out at the mountain and smile.

'I love Switzerland.'

Alex Morgan: Seattle. Where are you right now, world traveler?

I smile and hold up my phone, snapping a photo.

Me: Guess.

I see the bubbles pop up.

Alex Morgan: A photo of gorgeous mountains doesn't really narrow it down😑

I chuckle.

Me: I'm in Switzerland.

The bubbles pop up again.

Alex Morgan: looks fun, when are you coming back?

Me: Before next weekend

Bubbles pop up again.

Alex Morgan: are you filming? I watched some of your videos, you need to wear a helmet.

I roll my eyes.

Me: I am filming. Helmets are uncomfortable, I wear one during comps.

The bubbles pop up again.

Alex Morgan: your brains smashed on the mountain is also uncomfortable.

I shake my head.

Me: I've only had a few bad concussions, I'll be fine.

"Who you texting?"

I jump and look up to see Cassie.

My eyes widen, "Uh. Just a friend."

She chuckles, "Your mannerisms are demonstrating that it's not just a friend."

I stare at her and sigh, "It's complicated."

"What's complicated about it?"

I think about it, "We went to high school together, I confessed my feelings to her, we haven't spoken in 8 years."

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