Chapter 1

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Alex POV - October 2005

"Alex! Nice hat trick last Friday!" I hear and smile.

"Thanks, Mike, see you-"

I feel a body slam into mine and fall to the ground.

"Fuck." I groan.

"Oh my- oh my god. Are you okay? Holy shit, I'm so sorry." I hear and open my eyes to see a girl hovering over me.

She has blonde hair and bright green eyes.

"Ugh. It's okay." I sit up and rub my elbow.

I look up and see her staring at me.

I stand up and reach my hand out, "I'm Alex."

She smiles, "I'm uh- Bailey."

"Are you new?" She starts picking up my things and grabs her skateboard.

She nods, "Uh- yeah." She looks down.

I smile, "Cool. Where you headed?"

"Um. Chemistry."

"Me too, I'll walk with you."

She blushes and nods, "Okay."

We start walking, "So where did you move from?"

She sighs, "Colorado. Frisco to be exact. It's in the mountains."

I bob my head, "Nice! So do you snowboard?"

She shakes her head, "Ski, actually."

I smile, "Oh, cool. Well maybe you can learn to surf?"

She stops, "Do you know how to do that?"

I smile and shake my head, "No, but my boyfriend does. His name is Servando."

I see a look flash across her face, "Oh, cool."

"Why'd you move to California?" I ask.

She sighs and glances at me, "Um. My parents got uh divorced. My dad moved here."

I can see how upset it makes her, "Oh, I'm really sorry."

She nods and keeps walking.

We arrive at chemistry and I head to my seat.

I watch as Bailey heads straight to the back and sits down.

'Something about her.'

Bailey POV - May 2006

"You could take Asher, or Matt, or Liam-"

"Al, I'm not going." I sigh.

Her head snaps up from her desk.

"What? No, you have to go. It's junior prom! I don't want to go without my best friend!" She exclaims.

'Ugh, she's so adorable.'

I shake my head, "You'll have fun. Plus none of the guys that you listed are my type."

"Well. What's your type? You haven't dated anyone since you've been here."

I sigh and bite my lip.

"Hey. What's going on?"

I sigh.

'I like girls and I like you.' I think to myself.

She stands up and walks to the bed, "You're my best friend, we tell each other everything."

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