Chapter 1: Lost Yet Found

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Hanji's POV

Once the rabbit stew was made, my crow signaled her arrival with a beautiful caw. Swiftly flying through an open window, shaking her sleek, black feathers free from raindrops. She hops a little bit on her two feet before cocking her head to her side as she spoke. As all animal familiars do, I heard her voice echoing in my head. Her soft words carried an intriguing message.

"Someone entered the forest. He's weak and branded by a spell from a witch we both know very well. He's begging for help, pleading for someone to rescue him. He promised to give his new life to whoever rescues him. Can you help him?"

"Of course."

"He's a cat familiar, so be careful. With this storm continuing this way, it'll be dangerous. You might step on him."

"Guide me then." I say, retrieving my clock and tying the strings around my neck. I pulled the hood over my head before opening the door. The wall of rain greeted me as lightning flashed across the dark skies and lit up the forest's walls. Nearly immedietely the booming thunder shook the world. "Let's go and save him."

*   *   *

"Careful! He's right there!" 

This cat's fur was matted with twigs and mud- a poor sight for a creature born with magical abilities. I carefully picked him up from the mud and cradled him in my arms as if he was a baby. I smiled, whispering words of comfort as I carried him home. My fingers combed through his fur to pick up the massive pieces of mud and throw them to the side. Beautiful creatures... animal familiars... and this is how some witches treat them: in a shameful way. Where is the shame in their actions?

Upon returning home, I washed his body clean of all debris before casting a spell to reveal his human form. I laid him on my bed, trying to keep him warm as I made him a bowl of stew for him to feast on once he woke up. My eyes wouldn't leave him because the fear that he wasn't going to make it lingered in my mind. I must do something, even if he's on the brink of death.

As I was checking for his pulse, I see a small scar on his shoulder. Curious, I pulled his shirt off, examining the wound carefully. What I saw stunned me: a brand. It was exactly what my crow said: branded by a spell from a witch. A witch's brand differs from everyone, and no two brands are the same. And from how this brand was used... it was used to claim this creature. The worse way to use a brand.

The second I touched the brand, he woke up. Those eyes of his were a beautiful silver color. Almost as if it were the full moon. The fear in his eyes was present, yet I could tell he was doing his best to not show it.

"Calm down," I say in a gentle tone, "You're safe here. I won't hurt you; I promise. You're safe." I repeated those words until the animosity in his eyes was no longer ablaze. "My name is Hanji, and I want to help you. Yes, I'm a witch, but I have no ill intent to hurt you. Do you understand? What's your name?"

"L-Levi..." He struggles to say his name, almost as if he's cowering from answering my questions. The pain he went through must be unspeakable. This poor creature... I will do anything to help you, Levi. I promise.

I smiled, reaching for the bowl of stew and a spoon. "It's nice to meet you, Levi. For the time being, I'll be taking care of you. Here," I say, handing him his meal, "Eat. You need to gain your strength back."

He sits up, graciously taking the bowl from my hands, and took a small bite. The way he acted seemed like he was testing my limits. His small bite turned into bigger ones until the bowl was empty. I take the bowl from him, refilling it before returning it to him. The surprise in his eyes tells me that he never had a second serving despite the bowl being small.

"What is this...?" Levi asks with a small gleam in his eyes as the bowl was in his hands again. This time, this was filled to the brim with stew. I made sure there were more bits of potato and rabbit meat to satisfy his stomach.

"Seconds. As I said, you need your strength. By the looks of things, you're weak and I'm here to nurse you back to health. Just until you're ready to go back into the world on your own two feet. And there's more stew if you're still hungry. You're welcome to have as much as you want."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, Levi. From what I gathered, your previous witch was not as generous to you, am I right?"

He nods his head, "Never... we were used as his experiments. Before I ran, he branded me before casting me out. His last words to me were that I would never be anyone else's familiar because I'm bound to him. He will never let me go."

My eyes shot open with surprise. "H-Hold on, is that what he said? He cast you out after he branded you, that's what you said, right? He told you to leave him?"

Levi nods his head to confirm my suspicions. "He told me that if I wanted to leave, I can. He said that no witch would ever take me in. No matter what, I will always go back to him."

"That's not true. He dismissed you, Levi. Because he said for you to leave him, that's a form of dismissal. A dismissal means that you are no longer tied to him. Even with that brand, it's nothing. You can still form a bond with another witch. Right now, it's burned into your skin to mimic a possession brand. But don't worry, I can help heal your body and that brand would no longer exist. You're free to do what you want, Levi. You don't serve him anymore, understand?"

Joy began to fill his eyes. A smile tugged at his lips, slowly giving in it. "Thank you..." It wasn't long until he ate the entire batch of stew. Just for tonight, I wouldn't be able to eat.

Binded || LEVIHANOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant