Failed subject #2

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Vincent had no idea what he was signing up for when he decided to befriend this honest to God 'crybaby.' Even though he was a child he cried for every little thing, and he would cry whenever he would leave his side. At first, he thought that maybe the kid just really needed company as he was separated from his family, but at the same time it was a bit infuriating—yet he couldn't stay away.

Something about William Drew him in, and no matter how frustrating the boy was he would still be there when he asked. He would remain at his side during his checks ups and reviews. He would be there for every injection. He would teach him how to read and write. He would share books from his own library with him, books that should have been too much for a child's mind like his, yet it fascinated him anyway.

William had a brilliant mind, and with just a few touched he could potentially become a genius of unimaginable levels. This made all of his crying and whining tolerable. Vincent wanted to see this boy grow up and become something great. This meant that he couldn't allow for him to stay in such a place any longer. He needed to break him out.

A year after the two had met, a new form of so called therapy and punishment came about to help activate cells in the body to have it respond to certain injections immediately. However, it was only tested on animals, meaning that this test would be the first. And the victim to take it would be William. This infuriated Vincent. William was too soft to handle such heavy treatment, and the recent results from his tests showed that heavy levels of stress bring about the worst to his behavioral habits. He hasn't shown acts of violence, but his fight of flight kicks in immediately and it causes him to thrash about. Vincent would have to coax him to relax or else he would be punished.

During punishments, William would cry and cry until he couldn't cry anymore. He would be dehydrated and would cough out his remaining vocal hiccups. And that would be when he would be released. Vincent would wait for him, and whenever he sees him he would be angered and would kill the guard without anyone noticing. He would then take William with him to be fed and given water. And should anyone try to stop him from taking care of him he would get rid of them too. This type of behavior however was kept on the down low as the workers didn't want their boss to know of his sudden change. They also took it as a chance to observe him and his temper. 

There were times when the two would be separated, and during those times Vincent would be held in isolation as he couldn't help but panic over the idea of the boy being tormented. One day he is sitting with him for lunch, until a few guards go over with an older man carrying a set of twins with him. The man appeared to have been exhausted, and just overwhelmed, but with a collar on his neck Vincent knew he had no choice but to remain compliant. He was wary of him at first, but then he had took note of the colors of his eyes. They were a deep ocean blue. William looks up to him and smiles brightly as the older man sits down to embrace him along with the babies. 

'So...this is his father....'

Vincent watches them closely as they get the chance to catch up. At this point, Oliver's wife had managed to give birth to two children. And due to the injections placed into the mother, it was now also compiled into the DNA of their children.

'Based on the bracelet he's wearing, they were already injected with the immortality serum. Now they'll also have to live a heavily long life....kind of sucks for them. Though Willy...also has it...'

"Hello young man,"

Vincent's head lifts up to look to the older Afton. 

"Daddy, this is Vincent! He's my friend!"

Oliver takes a moment to process what he just heard. 

"Really? That's great..!" He smiles with relief as his hand ruffles through the fluffy brown locks of his son's hair. The action seemed to be foreign to Vincent's eyes, as he watches their interaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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