touch yourself

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inspired by a scene from the book "The Deal"

In a room full of friends and friends-of-friends, you join in on a circle of people who are playing some naughty, tipsy game. Normally, you wouldn't join in on something like this---you're not that sexually experienced---but you've had a few drinks, and you've been wanting to experiment more. Maybe this will give you the chance.

"Okay," some girl says, with a big smile on her flushed face. "Someone has to spin this bottle. Whoever it lands on has to do something with them."

"Do what?"

"I'll decide. Now, spin!"

JJ lunges his hand in and spins the bottle. It takes a while before it finally stops. On Kiara. Oof---they're best friends. It's probably going to be weird for their friendship.

They're told to go into another room where Kiara has to give JJ a blow job. Reluctantly, they get up and disappear into a back room. People in the group snicker, but now you're worried. If that bottle lands on you, what are you going to have to do? And who are you going to have to do it with?

Some other girl gets to the bottle first and spins. And it lands on Rafe. Rafe, who is so sexy and unattainable, the King of all Kooks. You're jealous, even before they're given their "assignment."

But to your surprise, they only have to make out for thirty seconds. Unfortunately, it's right here in front of everyone.

They lean towards each other to meet in the middle. Rafe slides his boyish fingers through her hair, and their open mouths connect. It's like watching a car crash---you want to look away but can't. Your heart drops into your stomach. Rafe kisses her slowly, like he's trying to savor this moment before the thirty seconds is up, but to you each second seems to drag. Does he want to have sex with her? Will this kickstart an ongoing hookup between them? Is he attracted to her? Does he kiss every girl that way? You want to know, but you don't.

When it's finally over, you let out a breath. Rafe smiles as he settles back into his spot. This only fuels the fire inside of you, and before the girl can give the go-ahead for the next person to spin the bottle, you reach out and whip it so it spins faster than all the times before.

Everyone is dead silent, watching as the bottle spins and finally comes to a slow, then stops. You look up, already knowing who it landed on. Your heart shoots right back up to your chest and pounds like a heavy bass.

Rafe. It landed on Rafe.

You stare at one another until the girl's grating voice breaks your trance. "Go into another room... And have sex."

You look at Rafe. Surely, he'll refuse. He doesn't want to have sex with you. Probably with the girl he just made out with, but not you.

You wait for any subtle sign from him.

He stands and nods at you to follow him. This is happening. You're terrified. It's not that you don't want to have sex with Rafe, but this would only be your second time in total having sex---you're body is in no way ready for a player like Rafe Cameron. And you're mortified to have him find out.

He guides you into a room, and the rest of the party feels so far away. And then he shuts the door, and the room is bathed in dark. He starts towards you, but you freeze. "I can't."

He stops. "You can't what?"

"Do this."

He steps back. "Have sex?"

You refuse to respond.

"Okay. Uh... why'd you spin the bottle?"

Now, that seems like a great question. Why did you spin that bottle? "I don't know. I didn't think-- I didn't think I would have to... do this."

Rafe Cameron Imagines (for horny bitches)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora