Noeul jealousy led to relationship (part2)

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As they navigated this new chapter of their life, their connection deepened more, and the once-playful teasing evolved into a more intimate relationship. Fans even noticed their was something between them that shifted, they couldn't tell exactly what.

Being in the fandom both boss and noeul know their fan very well, they're a bunch of detective, they can easily put 1+1 together and reveal the truth even if it will only be suspicious. So they tried to be careful about how they act in public.

It wasn't long before boss felt ready to make things at least official, he's tired of questions. So one day after work, they went to eat dinner together, while waiting for their food boss now feel the need to share what he was thinking.

"Noeul, there's something I'd like to do. Would you be up for meeting my parents?" He said in one go.

Noeul's eyes widened with surprise.

"Meeting your parents?" Noeul replies

"I want them to know about us. They mean a lot to me, and I want you to be a part of that. Mom kept asking me questions and i don't want to lie anymore" he said

Noeul, touched by the sincerity in boss's words, agreed to the meeting.

Soon, they found themselves at boss's childhood home, nerves tingling in anticipation. Boss's mother greeted them warmly, unaware of the pivotal moment about to unfold.

"Mom, there's someone special I want you to meet" his parents got confused for a moment what are they playing.

Boss: There's something more I want to share. Noeul and I are more than just friends. We're in a relationship.

Boss's mother looked between them, a knowing smile spreading across her face.

Mother: Well, it's about time! I could sense there was something more between you two. I'm delighted to have you as part of our family, Noeul.

Noeul and boss exchanged relieved glances, the weight of their secret lifted in the warmth of acceptance. Boss's mother ushered them into the living room, and together, they shared stories, laughter, and the promise of a future.

Days turned into weeks, and the relationship between boss and Noeul blossomed. They navigated the intricacies of love with the support of friends and family. The once-unspoken feelings had transformed into a shared journey, marked by shared dreams and a bond that grew stronger with each passing day.

As they looked ahead, boss and Noeul realized that love had a way of transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, and they embraced this journey together with open hearts and a promising future.

boss and Noeul's relationship continued to deepen, both personally and professionally. As fate would have it, they found themselves working closely together on a new project.

The dynamics of their professional relationship mirrored the harmony they had discovered in their personal lives. Working side by side, their shared passion for the project fueled a collaborative energy that was palpable on set. The unspoken understanding between them added an extra layer of connection, and their true feelings blossomed in the midst of creativity.

Their professional compliments were infused with an underlying intimacy, a shared acknowledgment of the strength of their connection.

During breaks, they stole moments together, sharing stolen glances and gentle touches that spoke volumes. The set became a canvas for the nuances of their relationship, painted with shared smiles, shared responsibilities, and shared dreams.

One evening, as they reviewed footage in the director's chair, boss turned to Noeul.

Boss: You know, working with you on this project has been more incredible than I could have imagined.

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