Noeul jealousy led to confession (part1)

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Amidst the pulsating music and flashing lights at the Palm Angels fashion show, boss soaked in the atmosphere, surrounded by a bevy of Thai celebrities. Laughter and chatter filled the air, after the event boss posted his pictures with basically no caption as Noeul, scrolled through social media and stumbled upon his post.

Noeul's fingers danced across the screen as a comment took shape:

"So handsome wow, does your mom allows you to have a boyfriend?" Noeul smirked, anticipating a playful response.

Meanwhile boss, wrapped up in the fashion spectacle, didn't notice the comment until his notifications buzzed. Curious, he opened the app, revealing Noeul's cheeky remark.

"Mom doesn't allow me to have a boyfriend dude" he replies putting his phone down going to take a shower. Coming back inside the room he saw so many messages from Noeul on Line, he opens it.

Noeul: Sure, sure. But seriously, surrounded by all those famous actors, and who's that girl who paused with you.

Hey answer me....


I'm going to kill you... Urghhh...

Are you playing with me...

Boss shook his head in amusement he loves teasing Noeul.

Boss: sorry i was taking a shower. İ didn't do anything just talking with everyone casually.

Noeul: Well, be careful not to get too starstruck! Jealousy might get the best of me.

Boss: Don't worry, you're irreplaceable Noeul. No one can match up to our beautiful friendship.

As the night unfolded, boss continued to share glimpses of the extravagant selfies and pictures of the event. Noeul, feeling a mix of FOMO and envy, kept the banter alive.

Noeul: Seriously, boss, how many idols did you charm tonight?

Boss: Just a few! You know, networking for the company.

Noeul: Networking, huh? Or scouting for potential boyfriends?

Boss: Who knows what the future holds?

The playful exchange continued as the night ended both sleeping ready for the following day.

The next day, Noeul, unable to resist the temptation, decided to escalate he's still feeling jealous about yesterday.

Noeul: So boss dreamt of his new idol's friends last night?

He sent the message...

Boss: No good morning, well i just had a regular night's sleep. But I did dream of a world where you weren't jealous of my celebrities encounters.

Noeul: A world without jealousy? Sounds too good to be true.

Boss: Well, it's your jealousy that spices up our friendship, isn't it?

Noeul: True, true. Can't let you have all the fun without a bit of drama.

The two friends continued to navigate the ups and downs of life, attending their respective solo and shared events, always finding humor in the ordinary and extraordinary moments they shared.

BossNoeul Boyfriend Coded [Delulu]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя