When she walked to her during lunch break and tried to start a conversation the president simply ignored her at first, Asa insisted for a bit though because she didn't want to ruin this nascent friendship.
"Girl can't you see she doesn't want to talk to you?" One of her friends had stepped in, clearly tired of Asa's attempts.
"Yeah leave her alone, ass." Another one scoffed. Squeezing her lips Asa therefore decided she should make a move later once the Prez is alone.

She did not see her again that day though, but the next day she was able to catch her after classes when she was walking home.
"Stop following me you creep!" She had yelled.

"I'm not!— Well.. I am but it's just because I want to talk to you!" Asa argued standing a few feet from her.

"Be fucking smart for one Mitaka, can't you see I don't wanna talk to you!?"

"Tell me why at least!" She bit her lip after letting it out as the class president bit her lip, fists clenched. She took a few steps towards Asa. They stood in front of each other, staring at each other. One with hatred and the other with determination.

"Because you're a bitch." She spat before pushing her to the floor. Asa gasped as her butt collided with the floor and immediately looked up at the girl in front of her, confused. "What the hell does he see in a boring girl like you..." she clicked her tongue. "I've forced myself to try and be nice with you but there is really nothing to like about you. Not surprising you're always alone and even Denji thinks you're a bore." She stated before turning her back.

Asa looked down after she disappeared from her sight, frowning her face. "Life is shit." She muttered fists clenched. Why was nothing going her way?

And it didn't get better by the day after. With the Prez being the most appreciated person in this class, everyone was quick to follow the bullying. Some straight up ignoring her existence, which she was grateful to, and the others —Prez's friends— being the actual bullies and spending their free times making her day unbearable.

One week after this began, on a morning before classes started, when she opened her locker to grab her books, there was a ton of mud inside it. It had been raining yesterday night too so all her books were basically ruined. She blankly stared at it, standing still for a minute before taking the books out and throwing it in the nearest can. The girl didn't really know how to react, to be thrown in a bullying circle again so abruptly was harsh, and it was not how she imagined yet another year starting like. It begins with the materials but how would it end up? She'll have to ask for new books now. Would cost money though. « I should start working.. » she thought. In the meantime she decided she would ask someone in class, though beside the Prez Denji was the only one she ever talked to. But he had been absent for a week now. Mysteriously disappearing right when everything went down. She couldn't blame it on him of course, Asa acknowledged the Prez's words and immediately assumed it was sort of feedback from Denji, she must have ruined the date for him.
« Maybe if he stuck to the plan we would've enjoyed it. » she maintained some stubbornness.

When she sat down in class the atmosphere was quite heavy for some reason. She heard her neighbour whispering while glancing at her and therefore decided to not ask her to share the copybook. Gulping, she realized that once again she was alone. It had hit her just now, that there was no returning, no more way to make friends now.

The morning classes passed by at a terribly slow pace for her, but it was finally time to eat the only moment of pleasure in her exhausting day. As she walked out of the class to take her lunch, Asa sighed in an attempt to comfort or encourage herself before she saw her locker empty. She was 100% sure she left her bento here this morning. For once she had the time to cook herself one, that one time had to be the moment they took it. « How do they always access my locker though? » she wondered before shrugging. "I'm not even hungry anyways." Just as she said that, her stomach made an awfully loud sound. Asa clenched her teeth embarrassed as one of her hands pressed it.

"You hungry?" She heard, and immediately snapped her neck to the side to meet with a handsome tall boy standing in front of her. Her cheeks tainted with a bit of red as she cleared her throat. "No I'm not—" betrayed again by her stomach, she squeezed her lips. "I'm kinda hungry." She partially admitted. The boy scoffed before standing up from the lockers.

"Take this, I have a spare bento." He offered, handing her a small box. Her lips parted, mixed between appreciation and confusion. Who the hell just walked around with a spare bento? « Less questioning, more thanking God for this. » she concluded.

"Thank you so much.." she nodded, accepting the gift. She took it from his hands, noticing how long and fine his fingers looked. "By the way my name is Asa Mitaka!" She raised her face to meet his eyes, seeing he was still staring at her, with a glint of interest in his eyes.

"I'm Yoshida. Hirofumi Yoshida." He responded in this calm tone of his. They spent thirty seconds in silence before being interrupted by loud footsteps.

"HIROFUMIII!" She heard another voice. A girl this time. She turned around to see where it was coming from as his simple reaction was to sigh.

"Here she comes.." he muttered as the short haired girl approached them with huge steps. Her eyes were firing at Yoshida but a hint of confusion passed through it as she noticed Asa.

"What is he doing to you? Step back please he's dangerous!" She whispered to Asa stepping in front of her in a protective manner. "Where is my food? What have you done with it?"

"I made a donation." He shrugged as a smirk formed on his lips, Asa wrinkled her eyes at their conversation.


"Exactly what I mean. Gave it to someone in need." He added as she gasps. « He's talking about me isn't he? » Asa quickly figured out. She looked at the girl's back, sort of worried, maybe she was being bullied by him? She couldn't just participate in it, so she cleared her throat tapping the girl's back with a finger.

"Um by any chance is that your meal?" She carefully asked showing her what she was holding in her hands. The girl gasped again taking a step back.

"Yoshida you're such an ass, you gave my food to her?" She clenched her teeth firing him with her eyes.

"My meal technically, I won at rock paper scissors. Respect the terms of the bet you proposed." He said in a mocking tone.


"It was. Beat you 3 times with the same sign." He shrugged not once being disturbed by her screaming though the students passing were laughing at the scene. Asa was just confused at the situation but could just wait, her stomach growling.

"First round was supposed to be warm-up!" She answered but he shook his head.

"Gonna leave you two I'm getting kind of hungry myself." He announced and as he said left, as the short haired girl watched him go speechless.

"Here, have your meal." Asa spoke snapping her back to reality while handing her the bento.

"Oh no thanks have it I'm not hungry I'm just mad I lost haha." She turned around offering her a sweet smile.

"I'm not hungry as well so have it." Asa shook her head, insisting, but as she was about to argue, both their stomach growled at the same time. "Fuck that's the third time.." Asa whispered embarrassed.

"Third? That's nothing, it happened to me during a whole hour in class.." she chuckled. "During a test.." she stopped laughing as she squeezed her lips at the memory, but Asa laughed at this anecdote.

"It's always at the worst times.." she agreed laughing, but slammed her palm on her lips when a squeak escaped her mouth. There was a small silence before the other girl bursted out laughing.

"My name is Yuko by the way, and you?" She smiled.

"I'm Asa." She smiled back, her heart warming up. Did she just... made a friend?

AN: It's already been a week since I haven't posted my bad😭 but I'm back since it's finally holidays in my country✌🏾
Hope y'all didn't miss chapter 155💀 (spoiler alert) mthe flashback isn't a good sign I'm reaaallly worried bout Nayuta😔


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