Part 97 - Morning

Start from the beginning

You're not sure how to feel about Marlon and Poppy being together - it seems like he's only just moved on from Bodhi- "Hey, Pops, do you have any idea why he's been staying at Ari's?" You surprise yourself by your sudden outburst, but if Marlon and Poppy are a couple now, maybe he's spoken to her about it?

She narrows her eyes. "No? I didn't know he had been."

You just shrug, not wanting to go into detail right now. "Guys, you can go home, y'know. It's late. I'll be fine."

"Are you kidding?" Summer replies. "We're not leaving you and Brazil alone here!"

"Where are the boys?" Poppy asks, and Summer throws an absent hand over her shoulder.

"Out there somewhere. Probably standing around not talking to each other," she replies, raising one eyebrow.


"Ari's mad that Y/n made out with Bax," Summer replies casually, and I shove her in the arm.

"Summer, he has a girlfriend."

"So? He can still be totally jealous." She shrugs. "And he most definitely was."


You spend the rest of the night camped out in the living room, and you must fall asleep at some point in the night, for when you next open your eyes light is shining in from the gap in the curtains.

You sit up and find the room empty, Marlon gone from his spot on the couch and Summer and Poppy nowhere in sight.

A laugh floats in from the kitchen, and you rub at your eyes to clear them as you stand, your head pounding.

You squint at the light pouring into the kitchen from the large bay windows, and see Poppy and Marlon sitting opposite each other at the table, Summer making herself a coffee at the counter top.

Your brother looks much better than he did last night as he laughs at something Summer says, although there's still bruises marring his skin, and his eyelids are drooping slightly.

"Good morning," Summer smiles wryly as you enter. "You want coffee?"

You shake your head, cursing internally at the way it makes the room spin. "You okay?" you ask your brother.

He shrugs with a grin. "Fine."

"The only thing that's really hurt is his pride." Summer shrugs with a smile, and ducks when Marlon throws an orange in her direction.

"I can't believe Griff did that," Poppy mutters, slightly more subdued than Summer is. Maybe the alcohol last night is getting to her too, you think, as she rests her chin on her fist.

"What the hell was it even about?" you ask, pushing yourself up to sit on the countertop as the smell of coffee drifts to your nose.

Marlon just shakes his head a little. "Doesn't matter. Just something that got out of hand."

"Out of hand is right," Summer throws a hand over her shoulder to the window overlooking the garden. "Have you seen the mess out there from last night? It's going to take years to clean up."

"Yeah, years we don't have. Mum's coming back tomorrow," you say, biting your lip as you survey the damage to the back yard.

"She's going to be so pissed if she finds out you threw a party." your brother says, not even attempting to hide the sneer in his tone.

"Let me guess, you'll be going back to Ari's to avoid helping clear up?" you shoot back.

He shrugs. "I'll help for a bit. But Thommo and Abbie said I can stay at their place as long as I want, so..."

You turn to Summer, who pauses mid-sip of her drink as she takes in your expression. "It must be getting pretty crowded at the Gibsons', right Summer?" you say pointedly, and she seems to get your hint.

She hesitates, then places her cup on the counter. "Right, yeah, and besides, you're still healing or whatever, Brazil, so maybe you should just stay here from now on."

"I'll stay tonight," he says, rolling his eyes. "But when mum comes back I'm leaving."

"Why?!" You feel like you're going in circles the more you talk to him about this. He's not giving in. He doesn't even give you an answer now, suddenly finding his plate incredibly interesting as he stares down at it, avoiding your gaze.

"It's fine, we're going to that surf camp next week," Poppy adds. "So you won't have to be home then."

"Ugh, don't remind me. A whole two days with Wren," Summer groans.

"Yeah...I was thinking maybe it's best I don't go," Marlon says tentatively, and Poppy pushes herself up from where she was lying on the table. "It might not be a good idea with this whole Griff situation hanging over us."

"What?" Poppy's eyes flare with alarm. "But I want you there."

Your phone suddenly vibrates in your pocket, and you pull it out to see a text from Baxter.

Hungover this morning?

You send a quick thumbs up in response, letting him interpret that how he wants, and turn back to your brother, who is still arguing his case to Poppy.

"It's embarrassing enough going to training as a sub!" Marlon says. "And now this thing with Griff..."

Poppy's eyes fall to the table, and she crosses her arms.

"Pops, it's fine," Summer jumps down from the countertop. "You've got us. And we can still have fun even though we've got to spend two days with Wren."

"And I've got to spend two days with Bodhi," you mutter.

"Why? What happened with Bodhi?" Marlon narrows his eyes. You forgot he hadn't been there for the argument last night.

Summer raises an eyebrow at you, and Poppy purses her lips as Marlon waits for you to respond.

"Nothing," you say, and Summer scoffs.

"Yeah, and I suppose that thing with Bax was nothing, too," she murmurs, and Poppy nearly spits her drink out.

"What the hell happened?" Mars glances between the three of you, looking as though he doesn't know whether to laugh or be alarmed.

"It doesn't matter," you grit out, shooting a warning look at the girls. "I better start cleaning up the garden." You make a beeline for the door. 

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