part 1

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"oh gosh..."

i whisper to myself as i glance at the pounds of paper i have to file.

yes, the pay was good. but sometimes i wonder how my life would have turned out if i decided to follow my real dream, and not be a dang secretary.

the only plus about this job was my boss.

gosh he was fine..

the way his muscles threatened to burst through his button down shirt, the way his belt hung lowly on his waist. his small, but noticeable scar on his lip.

he definitely had the whole, "mafia" aesthetic down to the T.

i was interrupted from my thoughts when none other than Mr. Fushiguro walked past my desk.

he places down another stack of papers as he peers at me through the tuft of black hair covering his eyes.

"you wouldn't mind filing these, right Ms. Ln?"

the way my name rolled off of his tongue made me feel things that were not appropriate for the work place.

part of me wished he said "Mrs. Fushiguro" instead.

"of course, Mr. Fushiguro. anything else you need from me? coffee?"

i say as i cross my legs, pushing up my glasses as i stare up at his piercing eyes.

"actually, id like to have a word with you in my office."

he checks his watch with a small, unnoticeable grin.

i instinctively glance at his schedule for the day which was plastered on my desk.

"hmmm, your day is quite full, Mr. Fushiguro.  i can meet with you after your 3:00 meeting with the Zenin team, if you're up for it then?"

he gives me an amused smirk, leaning down slightly before speaking lowly,

"i'm surprised you were under the impression that i cared. if i want to meet with you, the Zenin team can wait."

my face flushes, my cheeks unwillingly turning a shade of crimson.


i'm cut off by his melodic voice.

"are you busy right now?"

he says as he holds out his hand, waiting for me to take it.

" not at all."

i'm just gonna ignore that stack of papers for now, this is wayyy more important.

he helps me out of my seat before leading me towards his office.

as i walked in, i was hit with the smell of bergamot and lavender.

i take in a long inhale, before letting out a hum of content.

"smells good?"

he says with a brow raised as he leans down, a grin plastered on his face.

i give a sheepish nod.

sometimes i hated how subconsciously expressive i was.

"it's sauvage by Christian Dior."

he says as he gestures to a perfume bottle displayed on his desk.

he says as he gestures to a perfume bottle displayed on his desk

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of course he would wear dior.

"smells lovely, Mr. Fushiguro."

i say as i glance around his office in wonder and curiosity.

i say as i glance around his office in wonder and curiosity

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"take a seat, Ms

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"take a seat, Ms. Ln."

there it goes again. my name rolling off his tongue like warm honey.

i promptly take a seat as i watch him walk around his desk and sitting down as well.

he places his elbows on the desk, clasping his hands together as he lets out and exhausted sigh.

"i'm in quite a...pickle, for a lack of better words."

i raise a brow as i tilt my head to the side in confusion.

"if you didn't know, i had a past marriage.. in which my son came out of it."

i give a nod, egging him to continue.

"i...haven't been the best father to him as i should be. i'm here all the time. he's forced to stay at home with my maids, but they aren't qualified to watch him..."

where is this going..?

he lets out another sigh, seemingly building up confidence.

"i have a proposal, Ms. Ln."

my lips purse into a thin line.

"will you be my wife, Ms. Ln?"

he says flatly, looking at me with an unwavering expression.

"excuse me...what?"

i say as i raise a brow again, crossing my leg as i try wrap my head around what tf just came out of his mouth.

"little megumi is only 4. but he's smart. he knows he doesn't have a mother. and i need someone to fill that role, Ms. Ln. and you're the only one who i believe, could."

my eyes were wide with disbelief.

"so, would i be your wife in theory? or like, literally?"

he rubs the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes tightly.

"it's a complicated situation, Yn. my ex wife is doing everything she can to win custody over megumi. she's crazy. if it ends up happening, she'll just hold him over my head. try to get us back together.."

he looks up at me with a desperate expression.

"you know how the legal system is. they're never in the fathers favor. if she takes it to court, i'll lose megumi forever..."

he says through a shaky breath. if i looked close enough, i could see his lower lashes brimming with tears.

"it would have to be a legal marriage, Ms. Ln. i know im asking a lot. and i promise ill fulfill any request you have in return for your acceptance. anything you wish."

he pauses,

"i am completely at your mercy."

toji x yn (office au) by NWhere stories live. Discover now