part 2

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i wait patiently for him to laugh, or for a camera crew to come out from a closet, or something.

but they didn't.


he cuts me off again,

"i'm not asking for your answer right now, Ms Ln. by all means, take your time. all i ask is for you to at least meet my little megumi."

he says as his lips purse into a thin line.

i subconsciously nod, my gaze falling to my lap.

he lets out a relieved sigh,

"thank you, Yn. you have no idea how happy you make me."

uhm hello???

"i'll do my best, Mr. Fushiguro."

i say with a smile as i begin to stand.

he glances at his computer screen before looking up at me again.

"remind me again when i'm free this week?"

i do a mental recall of his schedule for the week before responding,

"you have most of thursday evening off, if i remember correctly."

i say as i clasp my hands in front of me.

"are you free that day? i'd love for you to meet him then, i'll pick you up and pay for your dinner."

he says with a warm smile, one that surprised me given how stoic his face normally was.

"i- uhm, yes i'm free, id be happy to."

i say with a little too much excitement.

his eyes soften slightly as he lets out a small chuckle.

"you're dismissed, Ms Ln. and again, thank you."

he says with a small bow of his head, a smirk making his way across his lips.

my face heats up yet again, causing me to bow quickly in return before exiting his office and going back towards my desk.

as i sit down, i place my head in my hands as i let out a sigh.

why was i lowkey thinking about accepting?

well, where would be the harm? taking care of one kid, plus being married to my work crush? hello? seems like a win win deal to me.



i sat, humming to myself as i put some documents into my bag.

it was thursday, the day i met my bosses son.

as if on cue, Mr. Fushiguro walked up to my desk with a grin.

"are you ready Ms. Ln?"

i give a sheepish nod before standing up.

"yes sir,"

i say as i begin to follow him out of the office building.

i couldn't help but notice how his car was so much different than the other cars in the parking garage.

he somehow had two empty parking spots beside his black lexus who's windows were tinted so dark i was surprised he hadn't been arrested.

well, he could've been arrested. i definitely wouldn't know.

he walks to the passenger door, the clicking of his shoes echoing throughout the parking garage, evoking a sense of authority and intimidation in anyone who heard it.

except me.

i was too enamored with the fact that he opened the door for me and held my hand as i got in. i smiled as thanks as he closed the door before walking to the other side and getting in.

we both put on our seatbelts before he puts the car in reverse, placing his hand on the back of my headrest and turning his body so he could see behind him. (BYE THE DAD REVERSE IM SO FUNNY)

we drove in a comfortable silence towards his estate, my eyes widening in awe and wonder.

"it's so pretty..."

i say with a blissful sigh as i take in the way the lights glistened in the evening sun.

"much appreciated, Ms. Ln. i hope it's to your liking."

i raise a brow.

"is this not your house? why would it be to my liking?"

"this isn't my house Ms. Ln."

he parks the car in the drive way.

"i had my personal assistant transport little megumi here just for the meeting. i also had chefs hired for tonight's dinner."

my mouth dropped.

did he just say he bought a whole estate just for this meeting?

he stepped outside of the car, walking to my side and helping me out.

he wrapped my arm around his own as we walked into the estate, greeted by maids as they bowed deeply.

"the young master is in the living room, Mr. Fushiguro and Ms. Ln."

he smiles at the maid, before we both walk into the estate and towards the living room.

i'm met with a small boy, playing with wooden cars, sitting comfortably on the plush carpet.

he stares up at me blankly before noticing Mr. Fushiguro.


he exclaims as he gets up, running up to hug toji's leg.

"hello my son."

he says with a warm smile as he picks up megumi, before glancing towards me.

"megumi, this is Ms. Yn. she's gonna be taking care of you, okay?"

megumi continues to look at me blankly, before hugging toji closer in protest.

my gaze softens slightly,

"what were you playing, megumi?"

i say as i bend down to my knees, taking a seat on the carpet as i line his cars together.

his face brightens as he hops down from his fathers arms, taking a seat in front of me as he grabs the red fire truck.

"we gotta go save the people! vvvvrrrrrrmmmmm"

he says as he rolls the car over to the couch, which i assumed was his interpretation of a building.

i grab the police car and drive it over there to aid him.

we end up playing "rescue" for a couple minutes. i glance up at Mr. Fushiguro and i notice how soft his expression was. it made my heart melt in ways i couldn't describe.

"papa im hungry! miss yn are you staying for dinner? please please please can you stay?"

megumi says as he looks up at me with puppy eyes.

Mr. Fushiguro places a hand on my head,

"she's staying, megumi. don't worry."

he didn't even get his whole sentence out before megumi wrapped his arms around my neck, engulfing me in a hug.

it's made my eyes start to water how quickly he got attached to me. it made me wonder how his mother really treated him when she was still living here.

poor baby...

he probably hadn't got much attention, given he wasnt old enough to go to school, and had no one to play with.

i don't hesitate to wrap my arms around him, picking him up as i follow Mr. Fushiguro towards the dining hall.

as i hold megumi in my arms, his head resting on my shoulder, i feel a hand slink around the small of my back.

"you're so perfect, Ms. Ln."

toji x yn (office au) by NWhere stories live. Discover now