chapter 5

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The next day Wooyoung and Hongjoong opened the cafe and at the normal time a rush of people came in ordering drinks, and at 9:30 the environment was calm until the little bell signaled more customers

Both barista's looked up seeing who it was and they were shocked to see Mr Park and Mr Choi walking up to the cash register where Hongjoong was standing

He gave them a smile trying his best to not make it an awkward smile

Both of the men looked at the menu then back at Hongjoong

" Good morning Mr Park and Mr Choi, the usuals?"

They nodded

" That will be $30.00"

They paid " Your drinks will be ready shortly" 

Hongjoong gave his friend an uncomfortable look which Wooyoung seemed to notice 

" Hongjoong, are you ok?"

While they worked on the coffee's Hongjoong carefully told Wooyoung how he felt 

" Woo, I suddenly feel awkward and uneasy around them, after what we saw that night..." 

Wooyoung understood what Hongjoong meant " Yeah I guess I feel the same way too" 

Both of the barista's called their orders and the two men grabbed it from them leaving the cafe, both barista's continued working through their shift 

After the last customer left they cleaned up around the cafe, hanging up their aprons finding their boss 

" Hey Chris, Hongjoong and I won't be coming in tomorrow morning, we're not feeling great" 

" No worries Wooyoung, I hope you and Hongjoong get better soon"

Wooyoung and Hongjoong bowed to their boss thanking him for understanding, both of them walked out of the cafe into the streets of the city 

" Hey Woo?"

" Hmm?"

" Can I stay at your place tonight? For some reason I don't feel safe at my place for tonight"

" Of course you can, let's head over to your place to grab everything you need"

Hongjoong nodded walking in the direction of his apartment 

Time skip >> 

Hongjoong grabbed everything he needed and now both of them were walking to Wooyoung's apartment   

What the two didn't know was that the next morning would make the two regular men very  confused  

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