chapter 17

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San and Wooyoung have fallen more in love if that's possible, ther'ye practically inseparable  

Time skip >> 

6 months have gone by and what Wooyoung doesn't know is that his boyfriend is going to give him a surprise of his life 

The next was finally the day that Sna was going to propose to Wooyoung, he waited for the right timing 

San POV 

I grabbed Wooyoung bringing him to a beautifully decorated area and while he was in awe of the beauty I kneeled on one of my legs slowly pulled out the small box from my pockets opening it 

He turned to me and a gasp left his mouth as he saw the ring in the box, his hands covered his mouth as tears started to form in his eyes 

" Wooyoung , will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

His head quickly nodded as his tears he was holding back streamed down his face 

" Yes Sannie, I'll marry you" 

A big smile spread across my face as I stood up grabbing his hand sliding on the ring, I brought his hand to my lips pecking it I pulled back my smile still remained on my face 

Time skip >> 

My big day finally arrived in this beautiful venue 

My big day finally arrived in this beautiful venue 

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I stood inside the gazebo waiting for Wooyoung to walk down the aisle, I was looking around smiling at how perfect the venue was, suddenly the music started everyone including me looked at the other side of the venue, my smile widened seeing Wooyoung in a suit just like myself walking down the aisle holding a bouquet in his hands 

He walked into the gazebo wit me and the priest, he then handed his bouquet looking back at me, we grabbed our hands as the priest started talking

" We are gathered here in bringing these two gentlemen together" 

He talked more before bringing out the rings, he handed me one of the ring gesturing me to slide the ring on Wooyoung's ring finger 

" Do you Choi San take Jung Wooyoung to be your lawfully wedded husband? "

The smile that never left my face widened more 

" I do" 

He did the same with Wooyoung, Wooyoung grabbed the ring sliding it onto my ring finger 

" Do you Jung Wooyoung take Choi San to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

He smiled looking into my eyes 

" I do" 

" I pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss" 

I grabbed his waist pulling him closer to me bringing my lips to his gently kissing him as he responded back to me, I pulled back from the kiss as I heard cheers erupt in the small crowd 

End POV 

San grabbed his newly wedded husband's hand in his walking down the aisle while waving, Hongjoong and Seonghwa followed close by them with tears sliding down their faces 

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