"We're here." Aizawa said, interrupting. I looked up and took in the surrounding landscape. We were in a large clearing, as expected. There were some structures and fake buildings that appeared to be built with Pixie-Bob's quirk. In another area, were various targets. It resembled a makeshift gun range.

"What is all this?" I asked.

"This is where you and I will be training for the duration of the camp." a familiar voice said. I turned to see Snipe exiting one of the fake training buildings.

"Snipe! I didn't know you were here. I thought it was just Aizawa, Vlad, and The Pussycats in charge of us." I said, surprised.

"That was the original plan. But things changed once we took you into account." Snipe replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. Aizawa stood by Snipe and chimed in.

"Just as you were saying, your quirk's existing versatility makes it difficult to improve on. However, there are still ways we can help you improve." Aizawa began.

"For starters, your handling of firearms is amateurish and lackluster. From what I've seen, your accuracy is good, but only up to a certain distance. And that distance isn't much." Snipe added. I made a face of both confusion and slight self-deprecation.

"Hang on. Good accuracy up to a certain distance... Isn't that how all guns work...?" I argued.

"Yes, but you're basically only accurate to what's a few feet in front of you. So, you could be getting a lot more out of your pistols than what you currently are." Snipe explained.

"So, I'm just gonna be training with my pistols? Okay, easy." I said, confidently.

"I assure you, it's not going to be 'easy'. Under my supervision, you're going to undergo military training for firearm handling, accuracy and strategy. And all at an accelerated rate, too. You'll get to know your weapons more than most husbands know their wives." Snipe promised.

"You guys get that I'm a high schooler, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. Which is why if you can't follow Snipe's instructions, exactly as he tells you, then your use of guns will be put to an end. Permanently." Aizawa stated.

"Okay...well...no pressure, I guess..." I replied, sarcastically. Aizawa returned to the main training area and I was left at the clearing with Snipe, my pistols, and a whole lot of training. Hours were spent going over: proper care of a gun, proper handling and procedure, and of course practicing accuracy. And of course, for every magazine I went through, I would have to use my quirk to refill the ammo. Needless to say, it was a long day.

The evening was finally upon us. The setting sun cloaked the sky in a beautiful reddish-orange. I emerged from the treeline and felt content upon seeing the main camp facility. Looking back, I noticed that Snipe wasn't following any further. "Are you not staying here with everyone else?" I asked.

"Nah. I've been camping out in the forest since before your class arrived. It's quiet and tranquil in these woods. At least when you kids aren't running around screaming." Snipe remarked, jokingly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, teach." I said, walking. Joining the class, I saw two of the Pussycats, Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll put a bunch of ingredients in front of us.

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