"Finally. My turn." Caroline said.

(Bella gives Renesmee to Caroline.)

"Where does she sleep?" Bella asked.

"In my arms. Or Edward's or Esme's." Rosalie said with a grin.

"I want you to meet someone Bella." Rosalie said as she took the girl to the nursery in the Cullen home. For when the kids stay over with their grandparents and aunts.

Bella follows Rosalie up to a room she's never seen before.

As she walks in she sees that the room is dark and she also sees three people in the room.

Obviously there's Leah who is holding a young baby, maybe a day old, Seth is holding another one who looks a lot like Rosalie, and Josie, the finally person in the room, is holding Hope.

"You had the twins?" Bella whispers quietly. The excitement clear in her voice.

"Yesterday. It was difficult but worth it ya'know." Josie said.

"Yeah. I know." Bella said thinking of her own daughter.

She walked back downstairs and into the living room.

(Jacob wakes up as the other enter the house, Alice walks up to Bella)

"Happy birthday." Alice said excitedly.

"I stopped aging three days ago." Bella reminded the girl.

"Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up." Alice told the stubborn girl.

(Alice holds out a key for Bella)

(Alice takes Bella to her surprise present)

"I still hate surprises. That hasn't changed." Bella reminded them.

"You'll love this one. Welcome home!" Bella said.

(Bella sees a house, which is near Cullen's house)

"We thought you guys might like a place of your own. Like Rose and Josie." Alice said.

"What do you think?" Edward asked his wife.

"I think it's perfect." Bella said honestly.

"Go inside." Alice encouraged them.

(Edwards takes Bella's hand and they walk towards their house)

"Have fun." Alice said with a smile and a knowing look in her eyes.

(Edward and Bella enter their new home and Edward shows Bella around)

"This will be Renesmee's room." Edward said as he gave the house tour.

(They walk towards their room which has a massive walk-in closet)

"Closet." Edward muttered.

"Wow." Bella said looking around.

"Alice stocked it for you." Edward told her.

(Bella looks at the expensive dresses)

"Clearly." Bella said.

(Bella walks into their bedroom and looks at their bed)

"This is our room." Edward told her.

"Vampires don't sleep." Bella reminded him.

"It's not intended for sleep." Edward told her with a smirk on his face.

(Edward starts kissing her neck, Bella pushes Edward onto the bed and they start making love)

(As they lie in each other's arms after making love)

"You really were holding back before. I'm never gonna get enough of this. We don't get tired. We don't have to rest or catch our breath or eat. I mean, how are we gonna stop?" Bella said.

(Edward smiles)

"Caroline and Emmett were so bad, it took a solid decade before we could stand to be within five miles of them. We're lucky that Josie and Rosalie have their own place so we don't have to hear it from them." Edward told her.

"I think we might be worse." Bella said.

"Definitely worse." Edward agreed.

(They start kissing and making love again)

(The next morning, Bella and Edward walk into the Cullen coven's house)

Emmett: Wow. Done already?

"Where's Renesmee?" Bella asked curiously.

"Blondie stole her." Jacob said looking out the window at Caroline who was holding Renesmee.

"Break a lot of stuff?" Emmett asked. Remembering his own experience.

"Emmett. No." Bella said shaking her head.

(Emmett laughs)

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