Eli not Elias

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(Eli's POV same day as last chapter)

After the tour of the PC Eli saw Dominik walk off & thought to himself "huh not as bad as everyone told me he'd be annnnd... he's kinda cute too." As soon as he thought that he immediately shook out the notion from his head. All his time watching wrestling he'd always heard don't date wrestlers don't crush on wrestlers & duh you're around tons of hot people but from what he's heard don't get attached it's not great. From just being a fan from Matt Hardy & Lita to whoever else even to his own friend who used to be in the PC Zenaia she was hired by WWE in 2022 and never debuted she was dating a wwe guy & even though she didn't name him explicitly when she told Eli she told him  it ended messy and he badmouthed her constantly leading to her requesting her release in August & getting it. Basically relationships & wrestling equals messiness & Eli doesn't want messiness at least not in his first month here.

Eli gets in the ring with Dragon Lee & starts doing a practice match but while he was doing good the match was not his main focus.

(Dominik's POV)

Dominik was at a bar with Rhea Finn & Damian a little Judgement Day break as they hang out but one member just isn't into it for one reason or the other. I'll give y'all 3 guesses to figure out who it is.

"Dominik. Dominik. Earth to Condom?" 

Damian Priest was trying to get Judgement Day's youngest member to pay attention but Dominik was staring off into the distance with the stupidest grin on his face it was clear to Rhea Finn & Damian whatever happened earlier in the day had him daydreaming & fantasizing right now.

"Rhea a little help?" Damian tried getting the one person everyone in the group listens to on the case

Rhea nods leans into Dominik's here before screeching "HEY JACKASS!" Dominik jumps at the yell "Damn mami don't do that! Nearly killed me bro." 

"Yea fine whatever but what's got you so distracted you don't even know what we're talking about." Rhea claps back.

"yes I do!" Dominik insisted knowing damn well he ain't got a clue what's happening.

"Prove it!" Finn chimed in prepared to laugh in Dom's face once he doesn't get it right.

"Uhhhhhhhh..... we're talking about... climate change?" Ron asks while his friends look at him with the most this idiot as hell look

Dominik senses & tries again "uhhhhh weed? Beer? 2k24? Changing the JD colors? Wait does it have to do with Food?"

"let's see here it is in order no no no why the fuck would you even think that & depends on if you've called them a snack or not!" Damian says 

"oh I struck out..." Dom catches the last part of the sentence delayed albeit "Wait what about I call who a snack?!"

Rhea replies with the most deadass face ever "you look lovestruck like you wanna smash someone so we think the rookie's involved."

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! How did y'all bring Eli into this!"

Finn chuckles "Oh Eli that's her name? What's it short for? Eliana Ellie Ellianne?" Finn asks

"What no Eli's a dude!"

Damian looks at him & laughs before asking  "Wait Eli as in Elias?"

"No not Elias,Eli! Where did you even get Elias from he's not a rookie."

Rhea says "Duh Elias isn't a rookie. But Elijah is!"

"No bitch it's not Elijah either! And besides I'm not gay!"

Rhea sarcastically goes"sure and earths flat kid."

Dom groans and rolls his eyes "Why would you say that we all know I'm straight!"

Finn laughs "You are a lil bit fruity my guy."

Damian joins in "That's the understatement of the century! I thought you were when I first met you!" Priest adds in between laughs

"Whatever it's not like I have a crush on him or whatever!"

"No you just zoned out & admitted to thinking about him in this whole exchange!" Finn says

"Ok I'll admit he's fine! Like he's got green eyes and he's cute doesn't mean I want to date him or be around him or tell him how I feel and hope it doesn't make things weird because he's pretty fucking cool."

"That's... weirdly specific. But all that just keeps making it more clear he's not just the rookie to you Dom Dom." 

"Fine whatever can y'all just drink your drinks please." 

Dominik kept talking but clearly his mind wasn't exactly on hot wings & happy hour drinks ij fact his mind made it really clear he's down bad... even in a day!"

(Authors note: Hey second chapter out! This was the stupidest chapter to write & I had so much fun writing it tho😭 even though there were lines that got scrapped & edited it was fun. It's definitely another Dom heavy pov chapter I don't think that was intentional tbh I just thought of Dominik. But otherwise I hope you enjoyed the chapter as always leave any feedback or things you'd like to see & next chapter out soon! Byeeeeee✌🏽)

Ex con & the Rookie (Male OC x  Dominik Mysterio story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя