Chapter 5 - First Training

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The girls were awoken by the sun shining through the window. "Cameryn, get up and shut that goddamn window. You're closer," reasoned Leah from underneath her pillow.

"No, I'm too comfy," was the first response she heard. "Wait, the sun's up?!?!"

"Yes, that's why I'm asking you to shut the window, obviously."

"The sun rises at like 7.30 at the moment, we're missing breakfast." Leah scrambled out of bed followed closely by Cameryn.

They both rushed into the bathroom, "we can't shower at the same time," mentioned Leah.

"Well, then why don't neither of us shower and we both brush our teeth so we can appear semi-on-time, we can shower during the break before training and gym, okay?" decided Cameryn.

"Okay fine." Leah grabbed her hoodie from the floor, slipping it over her head; and then grabbed Cameryn's from the chair handing it across to her.

"Thanks," Cameryn said with a smile. She threw her hoodie on too and the pair made their down to the dining room. "What do say when we get down, like why are we late?" asked Cam.

"Just say we overslept," Leah grabbed Cameryn's hand and squeezed it. "You know you won't get in trouble for being late, right?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm just scared for my first training session is all."

"You'll do amazing, I know it." Leah held the door open for Cameryn once again and they made their way over to the buffet. "You should get-"

"I am never listening to you for food advice ever again," she interjected and turned herself away from Leah.

"Okay fine." They both grabbed their breakfast and made it over to the same table as yesterday.

"Why are you both so late?" asked Keira.

"We overslept," replied Leah before Cameryn could say anything.

"Of course you did Leah," was fired back by Lucy.

Leah and Cameryn quickly ate before ducking back up to their room to shower. "I dibs the shower first," yelled Cameryn as she ran into the bathroom.

"That's not fair," Leah called back as she followed her into the bathroom, "I need to shower first."

"No, you don't. You can wait," responded Cameryn.

"Cam, I'm injured let me shower first," Leah pouted her lip hoping to win the shower.

"Fin-, sike," answered Cam as she took her shirt off.

"Cameryn! Put a shirt on."

"No, I can lose more clothes, or you can get out."

"Ugh, fine." Leah finally gave up on bickering with the teenager and made her way back to her bed. "You better be quick in there we only have 45 minutes."

30 minutes later the bathroom door opened and a waft of steam flooded out. "You took half an hour, now I only have 15 minutes!" Leah was furious but knew she wouldn't stay mad for long.

"Sorry," responded Cameryn with not a care in the world. Leah shoved past her and proceeded to have the quickest shower of her life.

"Thanks to you my hair looks like I just rolled out of bed," she scowled as she returned to the bedroom. Cameryn glanced up from her phone to see a very flustered Leah attempting to tame her hair into a ponytail.

"You look fine, and we still have five minutes before we need to head down so come sit," she said while patting the spot beside her on the bed. Leah climbed up next to Cameryn and put an arm around her shoulders.

Cameryn May - A Fresh StartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin