Chapter Three: Stealing Hearts And Helping Young Maidens!

Start from the beginning

[Enchanted Dominion]

Terra arrives in a world unknown to him. He makes his armor fade away as he replays the events that happened in his head. Suddenly, Willow was being thrown and Scarlet had turned into an orb of light. Her heart was stolen from her and her body vanished. Terra's eyes filled with tears. He grips his hand into a fist. He was going to save her, no matter what. He looked around at the world before him. It was beautiful, gentle and serene. He'd arrived near a beautiful lake. He wondered if Scarlet would like to see this place. It was beautiful. He looks around when he senses something and he gasps in shock.

"Monsters! The ones the Master mentioned – these are the Unversed!" Terra says before he is suddenly surrounded. He begins fighting them off. He manages to defeat most of them before one escapes.

"No you don't!" Terra yells, giving chase to it. He catches up to it and destroys it. He looks up at the castle.

Terra notices a woman standing on the path. He walks over towards the woman and she turns to look at him.

"Why aren't you asleep boy? That fool Flora cast a spell to put everyone in this castle into a deep, deep slumber." She explains.

"Who are you?" Terra asks.

"Why, I am Maleficent... as all who dwell in this kingdom would know." The woman explains, "Now you must reciprocate the introduction. Who are you?"

"I'm Terra." Terra announces, "What do you know about those monsters - the one who attacked me?"

"Hmph. Now why would I give a thought to creatures so base... so inconsequential?" Maleficent asks.

"They are base, that's for sure." Terra replies, "Anyway, I'm looking for someone. Well, two someones. Ever heard of a man named Xehanort?"

"That name is not familiar to me." Maleficent explains, "Is he an outsider, like yourself? Oh, but wait... I do remember something leaving the castle."

"Tell me - what was he doing there?" Terra asks.

"I couldn't say... I can only be certain he was not from this kingdom." Maleficent explains and Terra sighs, defeated, "If you're curious, go see the castle for yourself. There - the entrance is past the bridge. Perhaps he did speak about imprisoning 'the light'... 'The light' could be so many things. Could he have meant Princess Aurora? Or the girl he had with him?"

"Scarlet..." Terra whispers but raises his voice, "Aurora." He runs off towards the Castle. He heads to the castle and finds a locked room. He unlocks it with his keyblade and rushes into the room to find a woman laying in bed. Terra looks down at her.

"This feels... so familiar..." Terra whispers.

"Her heart is filled with light - not the slightest touch of darkness. Just the kind of heart I need." Maleficent explains.

"For what?" Terra asks.

"Imagine with me, the most glorious of futures... Seven of the purest hearts, each overflowing with light. When brought together, they grant the power to rule all worlds." Maleficent explains.

"What do you mean?" Terra asks.

"Why, that key you hold... the Keyblade, is it called?" Maleficent asks. Terra gasps and summons his keyblade to defend himself.

"Where did you learn that name?" Terra asks.

"That trinket is the only way to obtain the hearts." Maleficent explains.

"No more games! Where is Master Xehanort and Scarlet?!" Terra demands.

"Impudence will get you nowhere, child. If you wish to learn more, you must retrieve the heart of Aurora." Maleficent explains.

Kingdom of Dreams - Kingdom Hearts Fanfic ****PENDING REWRITE****Where stories live. Discover now