"Just to break the connection." Jacob asked her.

(She nods her head in agreement.)

"All right. I'm gonna do a perimeter run." Jacob said as he walked off.

(Looking at X-rays of the fetus in Bella.)

"Your rib is cracked. But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything." Carlisle said.

"Yet." Edward said darkly.

"Edward." Carlisle warned.

It's breaking her bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her.

Bella: Carlisle, tell me. It's all right.

Carlisle: The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver.

Bella: Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then...

Carlisle: Bella. There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry.

"Edward, I'm sorry." Bella said.

"I can't live without you." Edward said honestly.

"You won't. You're gonna have a part of me. He'll need you." Bella said.

"Do you honestly think that I could love it or even tolerate it if it killed you?" Edward asked.

"It's not his fault. You have to accept what it is." Bella said.

"Because you've given me no choice! Bella, we're supposed to be partners, remember? But you decided this on your own. You've decided to leave me." Edward said painfully.

"Don't see it that way." Bella asked of him.

"Well, I have no other way to see it. 'Cause it's me who'll lose you. And I don't choose that. I don't choose that." Edward said.

"Oh shit up Edward. Stop complaining. And stop taking it out on Bella or I'll fuckinh rip your head off." Josie growled at him, her fangs showing. Her pregnancy hormones affect her mood.

(She turns and leaves outside.)

"Are you cold?" Edward asked.

"I got it." Jacob said, moving towards Bella.

"Don't do that." Bella said.

"What?" Jacob asked.

"Smile like I'm your favorite person in the world." Bella said.

"You're one of them." Jacob said honestly.

"Feels complete when you're here, Jake." Bella said.

Josie rolled her eyes. Gods, what was going on with Bella's pregnancy hormones.

Then again, Josie had said something similar to the Clearwater siblings, but she has never had any type of feelings for either of them, so it hits differently.

(Bella looks like she's about to be sick again.)

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system." Esme said.

"For real, I feel weaker by the day." Caroline said.

"If I could only see the fetus..." Alice said with a frown on her face. Completely upset that her visions weren't working once again.

"The baby. ..." Rosalie said, not wanting to continue the same argument.

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants." Alice said.

"Think you might be right. Jacob just had an idea." Edward said, optimistic for the first time since he found out she had something in her.

"It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment." Jacob said.

"What were you thinking?" Bella asked.

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into." Jacob said.

"He's thirsty." Bella said, as if everything was finally making sense.

"I know the feeling. If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood." Edward said.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella. Walk with me." Carlisle said.

(Carlisle is pouring blood into a cup for Bella to drink.)

"Wait, wait, wait. You're gonna make her drink that?" Jacob asked in disgust.

"It's the fastest way to test the theory." Carlisle said.

"Only if you're comfortable with it." Edward said.

"I'll try anything." Bella said honestly.

"Just hold on." Edward said.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Jacob muttered as he scooted away.

(They watch Bella drink the blood.)

"Tastes... good." Bella said after taking a sip.

(Edward smiles at her and Bella drinks more of the blood.)

"Mmm." Bella hummed.

(Carlisle takes her pulse.)

"Your pulse is already getting stronger." Carlisle said positively.

"It's working." Esme said with a smile.

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