Going To Training Camp

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In the middle of practice, the doors to the gym slide open, and you, along with everyone else, look to the doors to see who entered. You see your guardian walk into the gym. "Here you are, Y/n!"


"I've been waiting for you. You couldn't even tell me that you were coming here after school," Danny says as he walks over to you. Once he reaches you, he grabs your arm, and your bag, and pulls you toward the door.

"I'm sorry, I should have at least texted you to let you know. I just got excited and forgot," you tell him as the two of you exit through the door while everyone watches. Sugawara, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Nishinoya look at each other before looking back in your direction.

After you and Danny left the gym, you two walked to the car while Danny continued scolding you. "You can't be this reckless, you need to have more common sense. I grew worried when you didn't show up to the car... I thought you were found, I was about to call the big boss."

Your eyes widened after hearing that, "No, please don't call him. He'll make us move again and I want to stay here."

You guys reach the car and he unlocks the doors before opening the back door for you. "As long as there's no danger I won't call him. Just don't go and disappear like that again."

"I won't," you say as you get into the car. He closes the door before walking over to the driver's side and gets in. He starts up the car and drives off.

"What were you doing in that gym anyway?"

"I had lunch with them and when I found out they were all part of the volleyball club I asked if I could watch them practice and they said yes."

"I see." He lets out a sigh before continuing, "Just don't do it again."

"Actually, they asked me to be another manager for the team..."

"No, out of the question!"

"Danny, please. I really want to join them. With everything that's been happening, this is the first time in a while I have a chance of being a regular teenager again. I can do something fun and exciting."

The car grows silent as Danny thinks it over. He really does want to see you happy and enjoying life, especially after everything you've been through. He lets out another sigh, "Alright, you can do it. Just so long as you don't do anything to expose yourself."

"I won't! Thank you! Can I also go to the training camp with them?"

Danny is hesitant, he wants to say no, but looking at you in the rearview mirror and seeing the excitement in your eyes, he can't bring himself to say no. "Yes, you can go. But at the first sign of trouble call me and I'll come get you."

"Danny, relax. I don't think he's gonna find me all the way over here in Japan. Anyway, I have the papers that need to be signed in my bag, we can sign them when we get to the house."

Danny just nods and the car becomes silent once more as you two make your way to the house.



You hear a few people calling your name as you walk toward the entrance of the school. When you look to see who was calling you, you see the volleyball team running toward you. "Hey, guys. Good morning."

"Good morning, Y/n," Sugawara greeted, "Is everything alright?"

"Just fine. Sorry about yesterday, my butler takes his job of keeping me safe way too seriously."

"It's fine, just hope you didn't get into trouble," Ennoshita said with a smile.

"He just gave me a little lecture about doing stuff without telling him first."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 06 ⏰

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