"Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom." Rosalie said with some snark in her voice.

"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality." Bella threw out.

"Essentially." Rosalie nodded her agreement. Josie snorted from the chair she was sitting on with Hope balancing on her lap using her shoulders.

Rosalie shot Josie and Hope a smile at the scene she saw. Her little family was adorable.

"Weddings. They bring everyone together." Alice said with a smile.

(Charlie is looking at the Cullen's wall of graduation caps with curiosity.)

"Hey, so, did you find our daughters?"

"Are those graduation caps?" Charlie was confused. Who just had graduation caps for decorations.

(Renee turns and looks at the caps.)

"How creative!" Renee said, loving the decor.

"Or weird." Charlie said. Was this a statement or just a tradition.

Though he smiled when he saw Josie's personalized cap next to Rosalie's. Josie had bedazzled the two caps with their initials. Blue for Rosalie. Who's cap read R.H. and green for Josie. Who's cap read J.S.

"Alice? Bella? Josie?" Renee called out.

"ln here, Mom." Bella called out.

(Renee sees Bella all made up.)

"Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey." Renee said looking at her eldest.

(She starts crying.)

"Crap! My mascara." Renee said emotionally.

"Mom!" Bella said, her eyes also starting to become wet.

(Alice hands Renee a handkerchief.)

"Thanks. Charlie, get in here." Renee shouted out the door.

"You sure? I don't wanna..." Charlie trailed off as he came into the room.

(Charlie walks into the room wearing his wedding tux.)

"I know. I look hot." Charlie said as his daughter looked at him in a bit of shock.

Never having seen him dressed so nicely.


"We thought you needed something blue." Charlie said.

(Charlie opens the gift box containing a jeweled hair comb.)

"And something old. Besides your mother." Charlie joked.

"Nice." Renee deadpanned making Josie laugh.

"It was Grandma Swan's." Charlie admitted to his eldest.

(Bella picks up the comb.)

"But we added the sapphires." Renee said.

"It's beautiful, you guys. Wow. Thank you so much." Bella said honestly.

(Bella gives it to Alice to put in her hair.)

"It's your first family heirloom. Pass on to your daughter, and her daughter. Or if you don't want kids, you can pass it on to Hope." Renee said.

"Oh, that reminds me. Hi Hope, on hi baby." Renee said as she turned towards her youngest daughter and her first grandchild.

Josie smiled as she stood up and walked over towards her mother to give her a hug.

Renee kisses her youngest on the cheek before looking in wonder at Hope.

"Oh she looks so much like you." Renee whispered.

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