Tony's interference

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Warning: mentions of physical abuse is mentioned in this chapter readers discretion is advised.

"Scotch, and make it a double" Tony ordered as soon as you had pulled yourself together and got behind the bar. You forced a joyful smile and nod.
"You got it," you said as you poured the drink.
"Is he the reason you have all those bruises?" Tony asked in a low voice.
"We all have our skeletons in the closet" you whispered, not confirming nor denying.
"I'll have a beer please" a tall blonde man with not quite medium length hair and a beard asked. What caught you was his stunning blue eyes and you had to hold your breath for a moment. Captain America looked good up close.
"What kind?" you asked with a broad smile, back into work mode.
"Whatever you have on tap will do, ma'am." Steve said, his eyes looking at you curiously. He gave a soft smile when you held his gaze for a moment too long and when he licked his pale pink lips you finally looked away and went on to complete your task. It wasn't too long that it was uncomfortable, at least, not to you. You were just looking at a very handsome specimen of a man. You doubted very much he would want in on this train wreck and chalked him up immediately to being unobtainable. You slid him his beer and he gave you a nod, but he was still watching you.
"I received your paperwork" Tony brought it up conversationally.
"Order up" one of the waitresses came to the side of the bar and started rattling off different drinks she needed made. You were on autopilot and started mixing various drinks and placing them on her tray quickly. The seats in front of the bar filled up next with Natasha Romanoff who wanted a martini, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson who just wanted whatever beer was on tap. You were quick to fill the orders and kept a smile on your face as you went to work.
"Is there anything you need for your new apartment?" Tony asked, still trying to bring you into conversation. "We are putting all your furniture into storage" he added with a shrug. You sucked in a breath and gave a nod.
"Bookshelves. I have a lot of books" you said softly. "Please" you added quickly.
"Done. Tonight is your last night here, right?" he asked.
"I don't work, I don't get paid," you reminded him.
"Did you want to start your contract early?" he asked with raised eyebrows. "I can do that," he added with a sly smile.
"If he touches her again, he won't have a hand to touch anyone again. I'll break it" Nat said conversationally from her perch, taking a sip of her martini. You gave a laugh and shook your head, not taking her seriously.
"I'll probably quit," you admitted softly.
"Order up" the same waitress came back twenty minutes later. She looked like she had sweat on her brow, and was standing there nervously. You took the slip and saw another long list. You went about making various drinks again, not noticing her jump as someone brushed past her. You just finished putting down the final shot when you felt an arm go around your shoulder and fingers dug into your skin. You shuddered at the scent of old beer and looked to see John looking at you with a satisfied look on his face.
"How is she treating you?" he asked, and you wriggled out of his grip. The look in his eyes went murderous as you went to tray more drinks. He grabbed your arm and pulled you close again, and he was using far more strength than necessary.
"You're hurting me" you murmured. The five team members were watching him like a hawk, and obviously didn't like what they were seeing. Steve looked like he was about to launch himself over the bar itself, but you thought that was just him being chivalrous.
"She's been treating us better than she's getting treated," Tony said in a deadpan voice.
"What's that supposed to mean?" John demanded.
"It means I quit. This is over. I'm done" you said, pulling away from him.
"I own you and don't you forget what I've done for your sorry excuse of a family." John boomed, no longer keeping up the facade or perfect boss and boyfriend . He reared back his arm and punched your right eye, and then all Hell broke loose. Steve and Bucky launched themselves over the bar and tackled him while you fell backwards from the force of his attack. Natasha came around and helped you up off the floor. The entire bar was in shock, and Tony shook his head in disgust.
"Give me a reason" Steve told John who was trying to fight back. .

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