Stella: Relocatus! Stella teleports, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and I behind the monster.

Musa: "Do it, Flo!"Flora blasts the monster and it is wrapped in vines.

Alina: "Uh oh. He's got a friend."Another monster comes in. Musa and Tecna fly up and blast it. It rains bugs. I begin to slice and shoot anything that comes my way.

Flora: "They're like worms."The bugs then come together to form four soldier monsters.

Tecna: "Yes, except they multiply exponentially."The monster disassembles itself to escape the vines and reassembles itself.

Stella: "Hey big guy, that is not slick or buff. It's just gross." We kept fighting the creatures and I was getting. We kept fighting and we have defeated the first. The students of Alfea, Red Fountain, and Cloud Tower are gathered for an assembly.

"You have all fought very bravely. But this is not over. Our true test is yet to come. Fairies, witches, and heroes, dig down deep and muster all your magic and power." I groaned I felt no power, I felt drained. "If we all work together I know that we can triumph. Now when we give the signal-"

"Here they come!" I exclaimed as Stingrays flew towards Alfea. "You gotta be kidding, there's like thousands of them!" All of us continued to battle the undead army together as one. One of the monster starts to climb one of the towers and smash at it.

"Miss Faragonda, look at the tower!" I exclaimed and pointed,"Oh no!" She says as, The tower falls. Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Stella are fighting the stingrays. And then I hear a voice and I follow the voice away from the fight.


"Alina come to me"

"It's your destiny."

I reach Lake Chrysalis and I could barley hear the fight  behind me. "Are you here, Amethyst ? I'm ready, ready for my destiny." I wade into the lake.


"Alina what are you doing ?" I turned around to see a confuse Baxter. "Amethyst is calling me, just stay here."  I walk further into the lake.

"Amethyst? Were you calling for me? You're here, aren't you? I can feel it."

"Yes, Alina. I'm here."

" How did you get here?" I asked looking around.

"You brought me, Alina." I was confused by her statement.

"What? When did I do that?" I went deeper into the lake.

"Come into the water, so you can see me."

"Okay, but there's kind of a small problem with that cause, see, I can't really breathe underwater." I laughed nervously.

"Close your eyes Alina, and picture yourself below the surface..."

I looks at my reflection in the lake. "And you will be here. Believe and it will happen. It's time for you to find me Alina. It's time for you to complete your journey. Are you ready?"

I took a deep breathe, "Yes, I'm ready." Amethyst smiled.

"Good, then come, come beneath the water. Leave the world behind and dive into yourself." I look around and appear in the water.

Apophyllite (Winx Club Series 2) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now