You're Sick

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Neil ~ He goes all in to take care of you when you don't feel well. If you need something to eat, he brings it to you. If you're cold, he brings his jackets. He just loves the feeling of taking care of someone and actually loves when you let him do it. 

Todd ~ He kinda has a nervous breakdown when you're sick because he doesn't like when you're in pain. He will always try to do his best but it takes him like five tries to make plain soup, which you find funny. He ends up reading you to sleep because his voice is so calming. 

Charlie ~ Charlie hates when you're sick because that means you can't kiss and get as close as usual. He does love when you ask him to keep you warm because he loves getting to hold you close and to make you feel safe. 

Knox ~ He doesn't like being in class without you, so he usually ditches class which you get mad about but he doesn't care because he just wants to take care of you. He does whatever you tell him to do in a heartbeat which makes up for it. 

Meeks ~ So he's an expert on illnesses so he knows exactly what to do for you so you can feel better. He tries explaining to you what you have but you don't understand what he says cause he's like a genius. He gets you everything and makes you better in no time.

Pitts ~ He's the type of guy who catches colds super easily, so when you're sick, he's also sick. You two spend the week together and complain to each other about how you feel. You both take care of the other and don't mind being bed ridden with him.

Cameron ~ Like Meeks, he knows a lot about illnesses so he knows how to make you feel better. He does take it very seriously though, and gets stressed out if you forget to take medicine, but it's only because he cares about you. 

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