How You Meet

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Neil~ You were Mr.Keating's daughter, and you were new to Welton. Neil decided to come to your dorm and introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Neil Perry," he said standing in your doorway. You immediately said hi back, because of how cute and charming he was. 

Todd~ You were Charlie's best friend, and when you found out there was a new kid at Welton you decided to go say hi to him. Todd was nervous to meet a pretty girl, but he soon grew to be comfortable around you. 

Charlie~ You were Mr.Nolan's granddaughter, and have known Charlie since he was a freshman. Mr.Nolan didn't like this friendship, but that never stopped you two. 

Knox~ You were a cheerleader for the Welton's football team (just go along with it), and Knox saw you one day, and decided to talk to you after the game. You liked his boldness and decided to become friends with him. 

Meeks~ As the only girl at Welton, you were the popular kid, and were friends with everyone. You had a soft spot for Meeks, and would always talk to him. He was your tutor, and you two grew close. 

Pitts~ You were an assistant at a nearby bookstore that Pitts would go to for research. He would always look at you. He told the boys about you, and they encouraged him to talk to you. The next time he went to the bookstore, he walked up to you and started talking to you about books, then you two became friends quickly. 

Cameron~ You were Charlie's sister, and he had fought his way into getting you to go to Welton. He succeeded, and you now went to Welton, and met all of his friends. You met Richard Cameron, who your brother always complained about, but you thought he was super sweet and respectful.

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