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Hanbin was the first to realize what was coming.

Was it a 'hunch'? No, this was the basic survival instinct of a living creature.
Something was coming.
Something they wouldn't be able to handle!
Hanbin spun around to Soma behind him and screamed with all his might


Almost instantly, a beam shot forth from behind the tree which also cuts it in half. Hanbin grabbed Soma and flung them both to the ground.

The beam struck right where Soma and Hanbin were standing

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The beam struck right where Soma and Hanbin were standing. One second. Maybe even one-tenth of a second. That was how close to death they were.

Unfortunately, not all were as lucky as them. The attack vaporized whomever it touched. Five to be exact, their remains fell to the ground. Not even a single drop of blood can be seen. As if half of their bodies were deleted instantly from this world.

"Mr Sung! What the hell was that?!" Yoobin was shaking very badly as his body still touching the ground.

The adventurers were horrified. Out of twelve people, only seven had survived. They never expected a low-star raid like this will be this frightening.

If not for Hanbin...

Others gazed at Hanbin and licked their dry lips. They got chills thinking of what would've happened if he hadn't shouted. He saved their lives.

Hanbin's eyes were locked in the direction where the beam came from. There was movement, and it was a terrifying one. Every step it took made the ground tremble a little, and its foul scent was so heavy it could dry their throats.

The small fire from Mr Sung's hand lit the area a little, and there Hanbin saw...

A figure, a large one very large one. It was walking towards them, and its eye was glowing red.

An eye? Only one eye?! That must be...


Poor, frightened Soma was quivering in her arms. This was her first raid since her awakening and was welcomed with a frightening force. Her breathing is getting heavier and heavier.

Hanbin looked over to Mr Sung to check his condition, after all, he may be the only hope for them to survive. His eyes widened in alarm.

"Mr. Sung? Y-your left arm."

"It's fine. I can tolerate the pain."

"But...." Hanbin gulped.

"I said I'm fine!"

Mr Sung must've been in extreme pain, but he said nothing as he looked upon the massive creature, then tore a long strip from his shirt and wrapped it around his wound.

"Hanbin, can you tie the ends together? I can't do it with one hand"

Hanbin nodded.


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