Game of Drones

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In the living room, I was sitting on the couch drawing in my art journal when I felt Chase looking over my shoulder. "Chase, why are you lurking? Do you not have anything better to do?" I say.

"Would I be looking at your drawings if I had anything better to do?" Chase says, sitting next to me. Skyler, Bree, and Blake walk into the living room.

"Hey, Cass, want to get a frozen yogurt?" Skyler asks me.

"Absolutely," Chase says, getting up from the couch.

"Uh, she was talking to me," I say, standing up from the couch.

"Why can't I go, too?" Chase says.

"Because you'll make us get sugar-free. Why are you being so needy?" I say.

"Ever since I stopped being mission leader, I've been so bored. It's amazing how much time you have on your hands when you're not telling everyone else what to do." Chase says.

"Maybe you need a hobby. What do you enjoy doing?" Blake says.

"Telling everyone else what to do," Chase says.

"Later, Chase," Blake says. Skyler, Blake, Bree, and I leave the room.  Stefan, Kaz, and Oliver walk downstairs.

"Hey, guys, what are you up to?" Chase says.

"Oh, watching football," Stefan says, turning on the TV. "Our fantasy teams are going head-to-head today. Epic!"

"Epic!" Oliver says.

"Epic!" Kaz says.

"I like epic!" Chase says.

"Oh, uh...yeah, no offense, Chase, but, uh, this is kind of like our thing and you don't watch sports so..." Stefan began.

"Gotcha. So, how do we play?" Chase says. He sits in between Stefan and Kaz.

"Fantasy football isn't really played. The player's stats are given a point value..." Oliver begins to explain.

"Hey, this looks like math," Chase says, looking at Kaz's tablet.

"What? Where? Get it off!" Kaz says.

"If I'm right and I always am, you take the statistics and probabilities of the players based on previous numbers and extrapolate the outcomes," Chase says.

"No, you don't. You see how well they played before, then pick them based off of that." Kaz scoffs.

"All right, but according to my formula, you should've started with this guy, 'cause he's gonna score right about..." Chase points at the TV and the crowd cheers when one of the football players scores a goal. "Now."

"You're a football genius," Stefan says. "Epic!"

"Epic!" Chase says.

"Epic!" Kaz says as he gives Chase and Stefan high fives.

"I like epic," Oliver says. He tries to give the boys high fives but they just look at him.


"Kaz, where have you been? We were supposed to see the movie three hours ago." Oliver says, walking into Mission Command where Chase, Stefan, and Kaz are working on something.

"Oh, right, the movie. Didn't you get my text?" Kaz says.

"No. The last text you sent me is a picture of your inner elbow that looks like a butt." Oliver says, pulling out his phone.

"It must've been before that," Kaz says.

"Nope. Just a picture of your knee butt, shoulder butt, and what I'm hoping is your toe butt." Oliver says.

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