"Ah yes, America's sweetheart can't openly be gay." She whispers.

I internally cringe and sigh.

The lights dim and I zone out thinking about why Bailey is even here, at the ESPYs.

After our last encounter, I got sucked into soccer both at Cal and the USWNT plus school, and we ended up never connecting again.

Servando and I dated for several more years and even got engaged.

I broke it off when I realized that I wasn't as into him as I thought.

Since then, it's been quiet.

"And the award for Best Female Action Sports Athlete goes to....Bailey Hamilton!"

My head snaps up.

I watch as Bailey high fives and hugs a ton of people and walks on stage.

She grabs her award and I can see that she's overwhelmed.

'Never did like being the center of attention.'

"Uh- hi." She says and I smile.

"So I am not great at public speaking. But this is truly such an honor."

I watch as she sways nervously and I smile.

She takes a deep breath, "I've been through a lot in the past few years."

She pauses.

"I lost my mom, who was not perfect by any means, but she always believed in me. This is for her. And for the rest of my support system. Thank you."

She steps back and her eyes lock with mine.

I watch as her eyes widen and she turns, walking off of the stage.

"Yo! Have you seen her before?" Kel asks.

I nod and her eyes widen.

I gulp, "I didn't even know that she was a professional skier."

"She's like awesome. How do you know her?"

I glance at Kel, "We went to high school together."

"Can you introduce me? She's hot and-"

I shake my head, "I don't know, Kel. We haven't talked a long while."

"Please! She must know who you are, it'll be like a reunion."

'I LIKE YOU.' I think and start to flashback to all of Bailey and I's memories.

I sigh, "I can't."

She looks at me, about to say something when I get up and quickly exit towards the bar.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

I feel a hand grab mine and feel myself being pushed into seat.

I feel my hand pressed against something and slowly feel someone's heartbeat.


"Alex? You're okay."

I hear and open my eyes, seeing Bailey looking at me.

I pull my hand back and wipe my face.


"Guess I still know how to calm you down." She murmurs and looks down.

I smile slightly, "I guess you do."

She leans back on her heels, "Well, uh, I guess I should be-"

I grab her hand, "Can we get a drink?"

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