Chapter 6

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Gadget's POV:

Maybe I bit off more than I can chew. It's been 3 days since Infinite's escape attempt and he hasn't tried again since. However, that doesn't mean he's been compliant...




I swear every time I leave that room he has a complaint. It's really starting to get to me. 'hmph, I don't even know why I felt sorry for him. He's nothing but an ungrateful ASS, and he keeps pointing out my disabilities like he wasn't the one who gave me them!'

"WOLF!!!" Infinite screamed from upstairs.

'That's it!" I stomped my way to his room, swinging the door open.

What I saw instantly stomped out my anger. Infinite was glitching out again and the phantom ruby was glowing, 'Shit why again?'. I rushed over to Infinite and grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to look at me. I started to breath deeply hoping he would catch on. Thankfully he did and started to copy me. After a minute or so the ruby calmed down and me and Infinite just sat there.

"...Thank you..." Infinite said breaking the silence.

I couldn't help but smirk as I heard Infinite, the sentient weapon, thank me.

"I- nevermind..." he said as I let go of his shoulder.

Curious, I carefully prodded him a bit. Hopping to annoy him enough to spill the beans.

" Sigh Fine, I... Wish to take a bath... And... I can't..." He blushed a little.

This in turn cause me to turn red-er. 'What is he asking me to do? why would he ask me that? I mean sure he hasn't had a bath in days but to ask me! He hates me, he always tries to get under my skin... I get it, he's just messing with me again. There's no need to get all flustered. I'll just simply play along, and maybe even turn the tables... LIKE HELL, not even he would joke about something like this.' my mind ran as fast a Sonic trying to understand what to do.

"Get your damn mind out the gutter wolf, I'm only asking because I hate grime in my pelt and I'm too wea- injured, to do it myself."

"This is your fault, you were the one who wanted to be my caretaker so badly." he said with a smirk.

The fact that he had a point annoyed me. There's no point in fighting his reasoning, he honestly hasn't gotten better the past day so it was only a matter of time but still, WHY? Grudgingly I accepted my fate and picked him up, 'he's gotten used to me carrying him.'.

"My, what a good little wolf maid. It took you half the time it usually does to accept my demands." Infinite said in a mocking tone with a hint of something else?

'God, I fucking hate this jackal' I thought and after a while I smiled a bit.

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