Authors note:
Hiya, it's Aiden. Welcome back to my YouTube channel


This is my first actual book, yippy, hooray, hoora...

There will be some warnings for this book. So if any of you find these triggers, you can either skip those chapters, or just stop reading the book all together. Here are some warnings:


There will be some mentions of suicide in this book. There will also be mentions of severely depressing thoughts, and even some abuse. Each chapter will have a warning sign near the chapter number for those of you who are expecting it. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to click off this book, or just skip the chapters, as mentioned before.

Now that that's out there, here's the first chapter of this silly little book I wrote.
Enjoy !!

[ Highschool au ]

[ Alexander's pov: ]

Enrolling into a high school while living in an orphanage has always been a mystery to me. However, every day brings new knowledge, doesn't it?

As I disembarked from the bus, I couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer size of the school. It was undoubtedly much larger than most schools I had seen before. I just hope I haven't accidentally enrolled in a prestigious private academy. That's the last thing I need right now.

Although, if uniforms were required, they would have informed me beforehand. So, it can't be that terrible, I suppose.

With a deep breath, I confidently crossed the street and approached the imposing school building. Along the way, I couldn't help but notice the curious gazes of the towering teenagers. Being the center of attention is something I'm accustomed to, but it still made me slightly uneasy. Nevertheless, I decided to brush it off and focus on the task at hand.

Entering the school.

Upon reflecting on my extensive reading, it appears that whenever a new student enrolls in a different school, they often become the target of bullies or subject to teasing. To be honest, I am not in the mood to endure such treatment. I would rather endure something unpleasant, like eating dog shit, than dealing with intimidating adolescents.

Clutching my backpack tightly, I fix my gaze on the pavement. Thankfully, I received my schedule in advance, so there is no need for me to visit the office. It contains crucial information such as my locker combination, class hours, and lunch period. That is one less thing for me to be concerned about. Hopefully, today will not turn out to be one of those stereotypical first days that are frequently depicted in movies. I certainly do not wish for that to happen.

As I observed the bustling crowd of energetic teenagers and presumably adults entering the school premises, a particular group of individuals captured my attention. I came to a halt and shifted my gaze towards the left. My eyes were drawn to a considerably tall young man donning an elegant attire, gracefully clutching a cane, while a circle of females surrounded him. Adjacent to him stood a shorter male, although nothing about him appeared particularly suspicious. It appeared that this teenager embodied the archetypal popular student who often singled out newcomers...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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