The end

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,,Dad? Do you have a minute?"
,,yeah sweetie what's up?"
,,so you know Rep right? Our neighbour?"
,,ohh the tall older one...yeah why?"
,,so I am like really close to her like in a relationship kind of way"
,,yeah I knew it"
,,that's all your saying?"
,,yeah I am happy for you she's a sweet girl so what can I say"
Why tf did I stress about my outing if my family is so supportive? Except of Tyler ofc
,,ok so I guess the talk is over then?"
,,yeah...oh and can you grab me some peanuts they are....

I was sitting at my desk still thinking about my homework
Why was it so hard
,,need a distraction darling?"
,,Rep heyy!"
Rep just walked through the door
I peeked her a kiss before she laid down on my bed
,,I'm sorry I can't rn it's just too much work and I am stressed"
,,you know what can relieve stress?"
I could feel her smirking even tho I couldn't see her
,,Rep omg...also my parents are home"
,,yeah you'll have to be quiet then"
,,you know I can't stay quiet..."
,,yeah I know"
She laughed at me while I was writing the answers down
,,now come here baby i don't wanna wait any longer I am horny"
I stood up and gave her a passionate kiss
Our lips connected perfectly
Her hands worked up my shirt
,,you're so gorgeous it actually hurts"

,,well this time your brother didn't catch us"
Still out of breath I let out a chuckle
,,he's at football practice so don't worry. Oh and I told my dad and he said he knew it"
,,well then it's alright"
,,Rep I really love you and I know you're maybe don't think that it's possible but I wanna marry you someday"
,,I want that too, really you're just wow. You know I used to bully you but I was just always so impressed how you're good at everything. It was annoying seriously
But know I can use your talents for myself"
She slid her hands down my waist
,,oh stop-"
That's when the taller girl started tickling me
,,we're literally tickling each other and we're dressed? You're so fucking dramatic"
Tyler rolled his eyes before he left
,,he's gonna get over it"
,,I hope so"
,,at least my parents like you"
,,you know the only thing that matters to me is you. I fucking love you Lover it's not even funny anymore"
Our lips connected again
But this time it was different
It felt like all our build up emotions got into this
How did I get so lucky?

The End
An: ok so I loved this story but I think it has to end before I fuck up the plot
Hahaha so there will be new content and until then feel free to check out my other stories
Thank you soo much for supporting and helping me through this story my waffles
Love you all soo so much💓

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