The locker room

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,,so how did it go?"
,,yeah we decided to end things. We just don't fit together very well"
,,huh how are you so calm about that I thought you liked her?"
,,I do. But it's better this way I think"
,,ok alright..."
I could tell that lore was extremely sceptical about the bad show I put on
But I am not a good liar so it was the best I could do

,,Miss L. Are you even paying attention to my lesson right now?"
My chemistry teacher was furious
He is strict and doesn't like people who don't pay attention
But I usually did pay attention
Not this time tho
I was distracted
My phone kept buzzing with messages

Meet me in the locker room after 3rd period sweetie
I'm waiting for you

I was just staring at my phone and then at my teacher
,,uh I don't feel so good...can I go to the nurse."
He silently allowed me to before I quickly grabbed my stuff and stormed out
The bathroom was empty and it smelled like cigarettes
It usually does
I looked in the mirror carefully tucking a strand of hair behind my ear
It kept falling down again each time

Was it her?
I was way to nervous to even think straight and ended up going
The bell rang and with that I left the stall

I wandered through the empty sports building of our school unsure of which locker room was the one
When all of a sudden I got pulled into a dark locker room on my side and was pressed on the wall
I wanted to scream at first but my lips where now covered with another pair
I didn't even had to think about it to know who it was
The kiss deepened and soon enough I heard a zipper and could see the shadow of a skirt on the floor
It wasn't mine tho
I was wearing jeans that day
We separated to catch a breath
,,glad you came. But you're gonna come again now"
Before I could express my shock about reps statement I was held one hand on my hips the other one holding my arms above my head
I was moaning into the dark silence
I could feel her smirk as she kissed me
,,you sure you wanna do this?"
She now let go of me to softly unzip my jeans
,,I need a yes otherwise I won't continue"
My pants were now pulled down and thrown against a bench while she pulled her t shirt over her head and after that mine
We were now left in only underwear
I wasn't wearing something pretty cause that was definitely not what I thought my school day would be like
I let my hands fall on her hips and pulled her in
,,no. You're not in control here."
She placed her hand on my warm core palm pressed against it
,,you're already wet"
,,yeah...y-you have that effect on me"
She massaged me over the soft cotton fabric and slid one finger in almost immediately
,,we don't have that much time. The basketball team will be here soon"
My responses to her statement were loud moans and I could feel her other hand against my mouth
She stopped and pulled her panties down

Bringing her lower body closer to mine and pulling my leg up to position herself
With the next push in I was pressed against her and could feel her wetness against mine
My moan was loud
,,shut up"
She shoved her panties in my mouth and started moving against me
The pressure on my centre made me finish almost immediately
She was leaning against the wall for support while softly moaning and groaning in my ear
She finished shortly after me and let me ride out my orgasm
My breaths were heavy
I collapsed against the wall as she let go of me considering my legs were shaking
,,you okay darling?"
Rep pulled me up by my arms again giving me a soft kiss
,,I- I can't walk"
,,shh it's okay"
The taller girl pulled me into a hug to continue supporting me
,,you did so good. You were such a good girl for me"

An: long chapter for me
I never write such long ones but I actually adore this one🤭

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