Gay quiz

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,,always the Last one huh?"
I was standing in the dressing room while I turned around to see Rep in the door frame
I quickly put my arm over my bra covered chest
,,oh baby don't be ashamed I'd love to see them closer...ah wait you probably don't even understand what I mean huh?"
She said in a mean tone
,,pls leave me alone rep"
,,rep huh? You don't get to call me that
For you it's just miss or captain!"
She walked closer to me and pulled my chin up
,,I want to do such bad things to you rn"
I didn't pull away cause I was still busy covering my chest
Again the feeling in my stomach
Something was telling me to be closer with her and as it seemed she could read my mind
She was now pressing me against the wall
Her chest was against mine and I could feel that she wasn't wearing a bra
,,you're so hot lover omg"

BEEP BEEP BEEEEEPOPEOEOWJSHHSHSHA (idk what happened here but I got bored so I just tapped on the keyboard)

I turned around in my bed
No what did I just dream??
Oh I am not gay
This can't be
I like boys

,,hey lover you look pale? Are you alright?"
Lore tried to build a conversation with me
,,mh yeah"
,,what do you have now?"
,,ohhh great have fun"
I just nodded and walked away
I knew I was cold but I was to focused on my own problems
Rep seriously confused me and i don't know what to do
I sat down
,,math homework you freak??"
Rep was dangerously close to my face
Towering over me and making me look inside her shirt
No bra
Oh I got flashbacks
My dream...
,,hmm you like what you see don't you?"
I blushed and quickly packed a sheet out of my bag
,,here you go"
,,Mhh thank you baby"
She laid the sheet on her desk while our teacher was controlling the work
She smiled at her as she passed by and made notes
,,I am impressed Reputation. You always have your homework"
She smiled even more while giving my thight a gentle squeeze under the table
Oh god
My stomach was doing a flip

10 minutes in I got bored
All of this was sooo easy
I pulled out my laptop and decided to search a quiz
Nobody is sitting behind me so nobody's gonna see it
Am I gay?
I typed on Google
I did the first test I saw
-did you ever had feelings for a girl?
Hmm idk....maybe
-sexual fantasies/dreams

Great! You're gay welcome to the community

No this quiz had to be wrong

,,see I told you"
Rep was leaning down to my ear
,,you're so gay and I can even show you"
She let her hand travel to my inner thigh
I was wearing a skirt so she wouldn't have easy access
She was now on the outside of my panties
,,omg you're SOAKING wet ha
Such a slut acting innocent
I desperately shifted closer to her hand
,,uh? Do you really think I'm gonna touch you there freak??? Maybe in your dreams!"
She pulled away
,,I hate you"
I mumbled
,,what did you just say???"

The lesson went by way to slowly
Rep was constantly teasing me while touching me or pulling up my skirt
,,stop it!!"
,,why would I?"
,,pls reputation I can't do it anymore...why are you so mean?"
,,awww go cry to your mommy"
She stood up as the bell rang and left me behind
I ran to the toilet
My panties were soaked through
I don't even know why? Maybe I am sick? Maybe I pissed myself....
Oh god what if I need to see a doctor??? But why didn't rep said it's sick
She acted like it was something else
I'm gonna Google later but for now I had to change them

An: heyeeheheyeyey
I am sooo grateful for the support
Hope you liked this chapter
Lov is so innocent

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