Scarlett: If and might? Your words inspire such confidence.

Bonnie: I'll get it. But even with the spell, we'll need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down. Including yours.

Scarlett: Just so we're clear, the sun sets in about eight hours. If we don't succeed before then, Elena will be dead, then I'll slaughter you all, and burn this town to ashes.


Scarlett and Stefan walk up to them.

Scarlett: Look at this, one big, happy family.

Bonnie pulls out a small vial with her blood.

Bonnie: Drink this. It's my blood. It bridges us all together so that when I stop Jeremy's heart, you'll have the power to stop Alaric's. You need to make a physical connection to his bloodstream; a vein, artery, something connected to his heart.

Damon drinks some blood out of the vial and hands it to Stefan.

Stefan: If one of us gets a clean shot, take it, the other two: hold him down.

Stefan takes a swig of the blood and passes it to Scarlett

Scarlett: Before we all walk through these doors, let's get on the same page, shall we? I was the one who created your vampire bloodline, therefore I am responsible for your lives and Sam's, Dean's life, Caroline's life, and of course, Abby's life, should anything go wrong.

Stefan: You're only lying to save your ass

Scarlett: Perhaps but go ahead, let the hunter kill me. You'll be dead soon after, Ripper

Damon: Little whiny ass bitch.

Stefan, Damon, and Scarlett all walk to the school, leaving Jeremy and Bonnie behind

Caroline gets out into the hallway, turns around, and realizes Elena is not with her. She continues to walk backwards when suddenly Sam grabs her from behind. He covers her mouth, so no one can hear her scream.

Sam: Shhh. It's okay, it's okay. It's me.

He turns Caroline around so that she is facing him.

Sam: Do you understand me?

Caroline: [Nods.] Thank you.

They look at each other for a moment, then Sam rushes away. Caroline stands in the hallway for a second and then rushes out. In the hallway, Alaric throws Elena into a locker and grabs her by the throat, holding her up against it.

Alaric: I should kill you. I should gut you like Brian Walters, Bill Forbes, and all the other cowards I plan on ripping apart. You're the worst offender of them all, Elena. You don't deserve to live.

Elena: So then, why am I still alive? There's obviously no humanity left in you, so what's stopping you, Alaric? If you want me dead then kill me.

Alaric's eyes start to become red and veiny.

Elena: Do it! Kill me!

Alaric's eyes become normal again and he releases Elena from his grasp. Suddenly, Dean and Damon rush up to him and grab him by his arms.

Damon: Do it now!

Alaric pushes them off of him and breaks Damon's back. He falls to the ground, temporarily dead. Dean rushes towards Alaric, but Alaric snaps his neck, temporarily killing him as well. Scarlett rushes towards Alaric and places her hand into Alaric's chest.

Alaric pulls her hand and throws her against the lockers. He flips him over and is about to stake her with the white oak stake, but Scarlett fights back. A struggle ensues where Alaric continues to try to push the stake towards her heart and she tries to push it away. Suddenly, Elena yells at them.

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