What a fresh air

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Yins Pov

I was just walking and I saw Sliver Spoon I have and said

"Hey Sliver!"

He know that my other half is gone he scarth his head and said

"Where's is you other half?"

I ask and I sweat

"I won't tell y-"

I got interrupt by Candle and I see her slowly floating towards me

"Oh shoot..."
I said I was scared to talk to her and Sliver Spoon said

"Why you don't want me to tell you that?"

"I-I- uhhhh"
I said I sweat and I breath heavy

the area becomes quieter, and there's not as many sounds anymore. I is able to hear candle's faint and soothing voice in her head.

I said it was werid that Candle Faint

"Sorry shes d-"

She slowly floating closer and closer. the voice becomes clearer and clearer. eventually, it's right next to my ear

" yes, it's me."

He said in confuse

"Why did you separeted me and Yang?"
I said

"because i could see that you didn't really enjoy how chaotic and impulsive yang was. you felt that you weren't really able to fully express yourself with yang there. so, in order to bring the best out of you, i decided to seperate you guys. and now i'm hoping you both enjoy your new freedom and autonomy."
She said and i wish a bit confuse and a bit not sure

"Ah okay"
I said and I was a bit not sure

"i'm glad you understand. i just wanted what's best for you. and it seems like you're doing much better mentally now that you don't have yang causing a ruckus 24/7."
She said as I was shocked

"One day?"
I said i was confuse

"yes, one day you might be able to be reunited. but for now, you should focus on healing and adjusting to your new environment, without having to worry about yang. i have a feeling it'll be a lot easier for you to navigate the world on your own terms than it was when you had to share a body and soul with yang."
She said and i saud somethint in my mind

"Huh? One day i will reunited? Thats werid"

I now said to her

"But why?"

She ask:

"yang and you were just too different personality wise. you guys weren't really able to express your full personalities because each other got in the way. you would've had to spend the rest of your life fighting over every little decision with him. so i thought it would be easier on you to be separated. and it seems like you would prefer to be on your own. and it seems like yang has adjusted well to being separated as well. so i think he agrees too."

Yangs pov

I saw Paintbrush and Punch Paintbrush


Paintbrush said Idc about they pain i laugh hard

she silently laughs to herself

"looks like yang is having a little trouble adapting to being independent."

I said it was to Funny

They cry in pain i laugh harder

her flame flares up from her laughter

"oh, he's really gone mad, hasn't he?"

I noices a sound and said

"Huh? Whats that sound? I hear fire sounds"

she continues laughing

"that would be me."
I was thinking i laugh hard and hard and i said

"oh okay. Why did she separeted me??? She finely did it!!!!"

she is still laughing

it looks like you're starting to like your new freedom. i've got a feeling you're going to love it. it's way better than constantly fighting with yin over every little thing.

I said
"Is forev-"

She interrupt me gosh!

her flame flares up again

"yes, for now. but who knows what could happen in the future? you might be able to be reunited one day. but for now, just enjoy your new freedom!"
I was mad that she said One day is not forever?! Cmon on why?!

I said in a mad tone

"yeah i'm actually quite surprised by your reaction. the only thing i expected was for you to be relieved and happy about my actions. but you seem to be upset about it. which is interesting."
She said i was still mad so mad!!!!

I Punch Candle in the Stomach
Im so mad is like i hate her so much

winces from the unexpected pain

"that actually hurt... but if you must know, i thought i was doing you a favor by separating you and yin. i was only trying to help."
She said i was still mad

"I dont like to be back with Yin!! On one d-"
She interrupt me again and she calmly and soothingly

"hey hey. just breath for me. just relax and breath..."


I Slowly beath in and beath out

*her flame dims slightly*

"good, you're calming down now. you're doing great. keep breathing. everything's okay. you're safe now. just relax."
She said

"Do you still make me separeted for one day?"
I said

she gently smiles at me

"it was for the best, i promise. you were not meant to be together 24/7, but i do think you are still destined to be together. just not right now. maybe in the future, you'll be able to reunite."

I said Okay and left i hate my life...

(894 words)
Im waitting for views

Separated two (Yin-Yang x readers? And a Candle X Sliver Spoon)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin