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"You are here, you overcome a lot. You were in pain but look, you overcome all your trials. God will always provide, and he will."


Your Mom

It started snowing, the errands we do is out on the cold seasonal street. Coats, jacket, and boots; everyone is preparing. Once a kid, now experiencing the freezing dust of air along the other side place, faraway from the humid air in the tropical province.

We lost site and essence of our aspirations during our 20's, we want to be like this, we want to be like that, we are on a hustle, and thinking that turning 25 everything will be alright. You were like this, am I right? Everything was planned but according to your will. Just like the winter season, you stopped achieving for what is best and you think you were freezing in the middle of nowhere because you are waiting for something. You lose hope because you thought spring will not come and it will be forever a winter season.

"The word is Stagnant; this is the word everyone is experiencing on their mid-20's. To be stagnant on your life purpose, to be stagnant on what you can be able to provide, to be stagnant of not having a stable job, and to be stagnant because the dreams we chose, we thought it was like a lost city; wrong choice in a wrong road."

I believe that there is a waiting season where we bloom like a cherry blossom during Hanami, that is our Spring. After the winter, the dark pacing of our life, beautiful moment is waiting. It will be granted to us for all the sacrifices we made, and we will make. We questioned everything because we thought we "STOPPED," we stopped on becoming the person we wanted to be 17 years ago. We create a dream of what we will be like after 17 years, some of us didn't fulfill it and saying sorry to our younger selves. 

"It is not too late, the Heavens gave us two choices, to pursue or just let it be, but don't let regrets capture you instead take a risk so that you will not have a regret in the end."

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