Chapter One

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18 months later

Father is dead. Cannot say I mourned him. We played the part needed. I finished school not knowing what to do with my life. Mother says there is no rush to pursue anything just yet. I have all the time in the world, she wants me to be free and live my life.

Then the realisation sets in. I am moving into Riddle manor.

Turns out my mother went to the Dark Lord for help. Apparently he was always fond of her way back when they attended Hogwarts. Dad was a death eater so it was no surprise she went to him. I will give him credit, he may need committing to the loony bin but he cannot stand abuse to women and children, especially rape.

He made his death slow before Nagini finished him off, a sinister smile crept up on my face when mother told me. Then she said I the same breath that she said yes to marrying him! I have met him outside the meetings, he understands my fear of men now. He keeps his distance and doesn't overwhelm me. I appreciate that. What does terrify me is being around his 2 sons, Tom and Mattheo. I only know them by name. I never attended Hogwarts, I attended Beauxbatons in France. All-girls school. Guess father wanted to me the one to de flower me. Sick prick.

We arrive at the manor and I am pleased his sons are not here. Apparently Mattheo is my age while Tom is 2 years older. The Dark Lord escorts me to my room, it is massive, I have a balcony looking over the beautifully maintained gardens. A four poster king sized bed sits against one wall, and a few other pieces on furniture scattered around. "Feel free to decorate it how you please, this is your home now, you have your own bathroom and walk in wardrobe, my house elves are at your disposal to." I give him a half smile and he leaves me to sort my things. I can feel myself being at home here.

Taking out my wand I cast a charm to decorate the room, shades of grey, navy blue and burnt orange fill the walls, along with blue bed sheets and about 8 pillows. It looks heavenly, this is exactly how I always wanted a bedroom of one to look like. Rather than the clinical setting of pure white at my old home. Charming the rest of my belongings into their new places, I check out the bathroom, there in the centre under the window sits a deep soaker tub, and a massive walk in shower scatters across the wall. The mix of modern and copper fixtures. Perfect. I change into an oversized t shirt and some leggings. Shoving my hair into a messy bun I leave the room and lock it before exploring this vintage style manor house.

It seems my room is in the east wing, there are two other doors along the hall, a pad down the stairs and find myself drawn to a room with double wooden doors, I open them to find a massive library. Cool. My inner thoughts speak to me. I continue to explore and I find the kitchen, my mother is there cooking up a storm. The biggest smile is plastered on her face. I stand beside her and start cutting up the remaining vegetables. "it has been too long since we have done this Cassie, I have missed it so much" she side hugs me, I do not respond wanting this core memory to stick. I feel someone's presence, well not someone. I look down to see Nagini slithering around. I do adore snakes, they are beautiful creatures. She comes eye level with me, most would be scared to be eye to eye with a snake that could devour you in one gulp. She then does something I never expected, she rests her head onto my shoulder. I look confused. "She knows you pain dear Cassandra, she will not hurt you" The Dark Lord explains her behaviour. "I am not scared my Lord, I actually love snakes" he smiles at me, hard to believe this man before me has witches and wizards cringing at the sound of his name.

"Will the boys be joining this evening my love" she beams at him, it is nice to see. She hasn't been this content in years. "No, not tonight, they have their own schedule these days , it will be just us three" she nods. I help set the table for the three of us.

While we eat the front door flies open, I jump out of my skin. Even Nagini hisses. In walks this tall, dark, drop dead fucking gorgeous figure, broad shoulders and raven cropped hair. Mysterious looking. "Ahh Thomas, I thought you wouldn't be joining us?" His father blurts, "Plans change father you should know" his eyes meet mine, yes they are dreamy, but I quickly look away. "Mattheo isn't far behind me, Iris is there enough food this smells amazing" he continues. "Yes, plenty in the kitchen, I always make more just in case" her soft voice carrying through the room. Next thing in walks Mattheo, slightly shorter than Tom, curly brown hair, chiselled features, again same build as Tom, well from what I can guess through the clothing. His eyes shoot straight to me. Giving me a cheeky grin. I blush. "May I be excused? The move has wiped me out." Looking at the head of the household. Call it a habit I probably won't shake. "Of course Cassandra. Rest up" he smiles again, I think he does this to give me as much comfort as a hug would.

"Who asks permission." Tom snaps. "Hush Thomas, until you get to know her keep your opinions to yourself!" Tom shuts up and Mattheo bursts out laughing, receiving a smack to the arm in the process. I take my leave and scurry to my room.

Taking advantage of the deep soaker, I turn on the hot water and pour in some lavender bubble bath. I need calming. After soaking for what I think is about an hour, I climb out, dry myself off and change into some comfy pjs. I hear loud voices outside my bedroom door. Shit, those rooms are theirs! It would be too good to be true to have an entire wing of a house to myself. I start shaking as they are clearly arguing about something. I try and drown it out by putting my hands over my ears and rocking.

Then its black.

** Hope you all enjoy! I needed to get the first chapter out!! **

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