What's better than being late?

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I walk back into the classroom with Nora and Rin. Let's see how this goes. I close the door.

"Nora. Rin." I said, as calmly as possible.

Nora looked at me nervously, while Rin just tried to wear a smirk.

"Nora. Your new. I expected more."

She slumped her shoulders.

"But, you can go and study. That's all. Don't be late tomorrow." 

Nora looked relieved.

"I'll make sure I pass!" Nora said before she darted towards the girl's dorm rooms.

"Rin." I said with a serious tone.

Rin looked at me as he slumped his shoulders.

"Come on, you know how I am!" Rin chuckled, "I do it all the time!"

"But you need to STOP acting like a damn child! Your here to be an exorcist!" I say, "if you can't do this shit, then you can't do anything!"

Rin stayed silent.

"If you think your going to get through this with only some fucking "Hands on experience," then your WRONG!"


"You need to focus more! You need to pass the damn certification exam or the Vatican will execute you! Just. FUCKING DO YOUR WORK FOR GODS SAKE!"

Rin reached for his sword.

"Your a fucking pain in the ass, Four-eyes."

I pulled my gun.

"Likewise, Rin."

"Don't you point your FUCKING GUN AT ME!"

"Then don't ready your damn sword. I'm telling the truth about what could happen! You want to die just because your the spawn of Satan?!"

Rin lets go of his sword. I put my gun back. We stay silent for a moment.

"Your so lucky that they didn't kill you already..." I managed to mutter, "Dad protected you, and me. Why can't you take things seriously?!"

"Don't bring that old fart into this!"

"HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT UNLIKE YOU! Wanting to be the damn Paladin... How ironic..."

I patted him on the shoulder.

"Your late for your next class. You should get there before it ends. Don't want the teacher to think your skipping."

"HUH?!" Rin yelped.

"It's math..."

"Ha! Get your ass there."

"I'm excused?!"

I laughed.

"Yes, Rin. Just, please say that you'll actually work harder. For Dad."

Rin nodded.

"I'll get to math!"

He rushed out the door. I sighed.

"He needs to learn that life can't just be a fly by," I then chuckle, "But at least he has goals."


A blue exorcist fanfic bc why not?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu