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How exactly did you get to this point?

The barrel of the gun that had now pressed harshly against your temple, threatening to blow your brains out and scatter them across the makeshift walls of your current place of residence, you had no other choice but to cooperate with the person holding you at gunpoint. “Can't we get to an understanding sir? I'm sure a fine feller like yourself is a- the fuck am I even saying, you look like you'd kill a cat if it looked at you funny.” You scoffed with an eye roll.

The man only hummed seemingly in his own little headspace. “Well ain't you funny?” He sarcastically spoke.

“I try to let my comedic side out for the special folk.” you were clearly trying to charm, talk and work your way out of whatever the hell you had done. The only response you had gotten was the revolver smooching against your temple even harder. “Not the type of fella to play games I see?” You licked your lips, now getting slightly nervous.

“Not really.” You could basically hear him shaking his head. “So, why exactly do you have me at gunpoint? Kind sir?” you shot out a question.

He took a few seconds, maybe a full minute to think of his answer. “A feller said you stole somethin’ of his, paid me to go and find you, retrieve his stolen stuff.”

Tilting your head to get a glance of him. “Stolen? Me? I would never!.. Okay, maybe I would.” You tapped your foot against the ground, cussing at yourself.

“How much is he paying you?” was your only question.

“And why should I answer that?”

“Just answer me will you?” The man groaned, mumbling something before speaking louder. “‘Bout sixty-”

“Oh shit, where do I find him, think I'll make myself sixty dollars.” You said with a grin.

He only chuckled before pressing the gun at your head harder, “cough it up, c’mon.”

You stayed silent for a bit, your ‘charming’ skills clearly not having worked on him. “Where's Porny when you need that fuckin’ pony.” You said as you carefully reached for your pocket, the stolen item now in your hand as you went to hand it to the man.

The sound of hooves thumping against the ground and a snorting that sounded similar to your rodent looking pony.

Then another much louder thump as porny knocked the man holding you at gunpoint to the ground before running off. “Yeah! That's my boy!” You yelled out to your horse as you pocketed the stolen item before pulling out your very own revolver and holding the man at gunpoint.

“Well how the turns have tabled.” You said with a grin as the man cursed sitting up, his legs spreaded, his arms now resting on his spreaded knees as you kicked his gun away.

“Now tell me, what's your name sir?” You asked with a cocky grin.

The man swatted you with a scowl as porny trotted around happily, tail flickering as he shook his head.

“C’mon! I love me some good introductions, be a gentleman” you teasingly spoke with a grin, though his eyes seemed to be on porny a mortified look as he pointed at your travelling companion. “What the fuck is that?”

“Hey woah, don't let him hear you talk about him like that, he hates it- gets insecure y’know? Now what is your name sir?” you asked once more, waving the gun in your hand slightly.

Arthur only let out a sigh. “Arthur Morgan.”

“Well nice to meet you Arthur, quite a lovely day were having huh? Y'know you kinda look like an- never mind, was gonna say you look like an outlaw but, you kinda look like… a homeless man.” You said, while now staring up and down at his filthy outfit and the flies hovering around his bushed up beard as you scratched the back of your head with your other arm. “Well now I feel like an asshole for involuntarily getting porny to push you onto your tush.”

Arthur raised his brow. “I ain't homeles-” he was quickly hushed with one of your fingers on his cracked lip.

“Sh! You sure do look like a homeless man.” you dramatically hushed him while throwing a penny at his face. “Take a penny my friend.” You said as the penny you had throw slapped against Arthur's forehead before landing on his thigh.

“You think your funny?”

“I think I'm hilarious actually.” you said rather smugly.

Who could blame you? You now had a man that looks like he could and would kill you, though something about that stare he was giving you made you shutter slightly yet you still stood smug and proud even when your heart had dropped right to your ass as he continued to stare.

The smoldering look got a little to much as you backed away, revolver still aimed at him. “Well, I best be off friend- it was nice havin’ a chat with you.” You said as you whistled fornyour horse before stopping as another gun pressed against your back.

“Well put me in a pretty lil dress, slap my thigh and call me a slut-”


“You heard me.” you huffed with a frown before your vision went black as the person behind you slammed the end of their gun against the back of your head forcefully, falling down Peter Griffin style as you did so.

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