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Marks that covered your damn skin.

Marks that were inflicted not by you, but by a person you put your trust in, someone that should’ve loved you just as equally as you had loved them.

That wasn't the case though.

Looks like life just loved to fuck you over, leaving you with the short end of the stick.

It was always one thing after another.

He was using you- you found that out at the start of the relationship- he needed the status. He knew you had inherited a large amount of money.

And at first, he treated you so, so sweetly- though, it was all for the money, that's all he wanted, and once he had drained all of the money he took pleasure in whatever he could do to you. Beating, choking, verbally abusing, and cheating, Knowing someone like you.. like you?

Someone who was just as pathetic as you wouldn't leave the man you had grown so accustomed to, he knew you wouldn't do a single fucking thing.

You were truly a pathetic person, no one would help you, no one would advise you to leave him. You were so perfect to play around with, doing as he pleased.

Such a perfect little pet-

A perfect pet? A pet? You always hated how he called you a pet- something thing he owned, something for him to play around with.

You weren't his pet? Were you? No, no of course not.

You hated being demanded around, hated the feeling of being treated like an object.

You had feelings too.

Emotional and physical feelings.

Of course you had feelings, at this very moment, you felt your heart race, fists clenched as you brought them down on his face- his disgusting face. The same fucking face that had taunted you numerous of times, the same face that made you cry each time he put you down, the same face that grinned down at you when he- you hated to even say it, it disgusted you so much- you didn't want it- you never wanted it.

You had feelings too, you had your own opinions that should've mattered just as much as anyone else's.

You had feelings too, you could feel the painful slaps and punches- the burning feeling of his hands caressing your skin, it made your skin crawl, making bile rise into your throat just at the thought.

Your hands were now covered in blood, tears running down your face, burning your skin as you kept bringing your permanent damage to them. Then his face- his disgusting bruised face- it gave you some levels of satisfaction. Even when you stopped.

Your own lip busted and cheek bone bruised from the fight prior that caused you to snap.

You stood up, staring at your unconscious husband– ex-husband, before taking a deep breath in.

You needed out.

It was snowing outside, teetering on the line of a blizzard.

Cold, nothing but a sheet of white that grew more and more as the minutes passed by.

Nothing warm for you to wear seeing as he had gambled it all away, Making sure you had nothing warm to wear. You didn’t wanna use his coat. You didn't wanna be near him, let alone smell him, even the cabin you were once in was suffocating.

You didn’t care if you got hypothermia and died, hell a pack of wolves could grab you! You wouldn't mind, it was better than being near him.

Even if it meant you shivered, even if it meant that your fingertips and feet went numb from the cold.

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