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Well, time did tell.

Now you're here, just like all those years ago, well not exactly, yes you were cold and shivering but now? Now you're riding that stinking pony that had chortled each time you glared at it- though this time it had a pink ribbon that it refused to let you take off- your hat that you had stolen long ago now on its head as his hooves tapped on the ground, crunching the snow underneath it while your finger twirled a few strands of its main, feeling the greasy yet dead texture of it, you had tried to wash the foul odored pony but it would only angrily snort or try and kick you away making you give up on bathing the rather happy to be covered in filth miniature horse.

The cloth that covered your bottom face to keep your nose from getting frostbite and your lips turning blue, you could already feel the numbing sensation pierce your fingers as you try to keep in against Porny- the pony you were currently ridings name- main, making sure you at least had a bit of feeling in it.

You groaned and grunted each time you had to blink- the cold had made your eyes unbelievably dry, each time you blinked it stung.

The slope you were currently riding down made your travelling companion move faster as you went down the snowy hill, wanting to get away from the cold as fast as possible as you made your way to a town.

A town you had often visited when going in the direction.

Valentine, a place you had gotten drunk at so many times, a place where you could steal and make money easily seeing as the men their were fucking idiots, the women to, the amount of times you've stolen a ring or somehow a necklace was incredible.

Though the men there were different from the women. Wanting nothing more than to sink their genitals into any moving and willing being- though, you, of course don't let that happen. Only tricking them into going to the hotel with you, making them pay for the most luxurious room with a bottle of rum along with the room then knocking them out, stealing the wallet and rum then skedaddling out of there, good times- good money too.

The women, all you had to do was buy them a couple of drinks, flatter them so much then basically pick pocketed them.

You patted porny much to his delight as he trotted faster until he reached a certain point in the area where you could start feeling the warmth again, the temperature gradually rising.

It wasn't much of a difference but at least it wasn't snowing to the point where you needed a coat to protect your skin from the harsh weather.

Porny continued to trot as you shredded the coat on you off when nearing valentine, you pulled the mask covering your face down, knowing the people in the town would throw a hissy fit.


The drunken laughs and shouts from inside the establishment was enough to catch your eye as you pointed in the direction of the saloon to Porny, who only snorted as I neared the place.

Weird looks were sent your way as you rode in on your pony.

Even when you had hitched Porny near the other horses you still felt the confused stares.

You honestly couldn't blame them, especially with how Porny friendly flashing his yellow teeth at them as if he was a celebrity.

You had one goal being in the saloon, and that was to get a wealthy looking man piss drunk and steal the valuables and money off of him.

Like a normal Tuesday.

You were quick to scurry towards the bartender, squeezing in between two old sweaty men that smelled heavily of depression and horse shit.

You covered your nose as you slid a coin or two on the counter towards the bartender with an impatient look.

You drummed your finger tips/nails(?) Against the wood of the counter as the bartender slowly got to everyone.

As soon as the bartender finally got to you, ordering the cheapest liquor on the menu, a fight broke out, giving you free entertainment as you slowly nursed the bitter drink.

Your hands swiftly moving towards one of two men's pocket, snagging a golden watch out from the pocket swiftly while the victim was distracted with the fight.

You quickly pocketed the watch Playing it cool as you grinned, watching the two other men fight one another, fists thrown at the others faces, the slurred insults thrown at one another made you cackle at how stupid they had sounded.

This is exactly why you loved valentine, despite the unkept nature of the people they were fun to watch, whether that be small arguments or big ones, night or day it was always something with this town.

You finished your drink, leaving the mess for the bartender to clean up as you slowly walked out, still watching the two men tousle with one another.

As soon as the bar fight finally ended, both men somehow drunkenly knocked one another out. You had left quickly, no longer with the slow walk seeing as your free entertainment had ended-and the fact the man you had stolen from was now checking his pockets frantically.

You silently went towards your pony, eyeing him as he tried to flirt with the lady horses who only huffed through their noses.

Hoping on his small frame with ease you had steered him away- going towards the direction of your camp.

The pony only trotted slowly, clearly upset about the rejection he had taken, Porny whined dramatically as his tail flickered causing you to snicker at his state.

“There's a lot of sea horses out in the sea, you just gotta find the right one bud.” you patted Pornys matted fur as you spoke, trying to cheer the ugly thing up.

You smiled as the pony trotted faster at the lie you just told it.

You muttered under your breath “sucker..” you scratched his fur as he directed himself to the camp you both were currently staying at, knowing exactly where your spot was without even having to steer him around.

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